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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Alemtuzumab following natalizumab in highly active paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis Margoni, Monica
5 3 artikel
2 Cannabis-based product use in a multiple sclerosis cohort Schabas, AJ
5 3 artikel
3 Changes in cortical motor outputs after a motor relapse of multiple sclerosis Chieffo, Raffaella
5 3 artikel
4 Early imaging predictors of longer term multiple sclerosis risk and severity in acute optic neuritis Gajamange, Sanuji
5 3 artikel
5 Efficacy of dimethyl fumarate in Japanese multiple sclerosis patients: interim analysis of randomized, double-blind APEX study and its open-label extension Kondo, T
5 3 artikel
6 Retinal inner nuclear layer volume reflects inflammatory disease activity in multiple sclerosis; a longitudinal OCT study Balk, Lisanne J
5 3 artikel
7 Short-term prediction of secondary progression in a sliding window: A test of a predicting algorithm in a validation cohort Skoog, B
5 3 artikel
8 Tuberculosis screening in multiple sclerosis: effect of disease-modifying therapies and lymphopenia on the prevalence of indeterminate TB screening results in the clinical setting Baldassari, Laura E
5 3 artikel
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland