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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comparison of multiple sclerosis disease activity after discontinuation of fingolimod and placebo Vermersch, Patrick
3 3 artikel
2 Application of the Betty Neuman systems model in the nursing care of patients/clients with multiple sclerosis Ahmadi, Zakieh
3 3 artikel
3 Application of the McDonald criteria in Latin America Patrucco, Liliana
3 3 artikel
4 Cognitive and neuropsychiatric disorders among MS patients from Latin America Vanotti, Sandra
3 3 artikel
5 Comparative efficacy and discontinuation of dimethyl fumarate and fingolimod in clinical practice at 24-month follow-up Hersh, Carrie M
3 3 artikel
6 Comparison of fingolimod and dimethyl fumarate in the treatment of multiple sclerosis: Two-year experience Vollmer, Brandi
3 3 artikel
7 Differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in Latin America Fragoso, YD
3 3 artikel
8 Disease-modifying therapies in multiple sclerosis in Latin America Skromne-Eisenberg, Eli
3 3 artikel
9 Effects of vitamin D3 in clinically isolated syndrome and healthy control participants: A double-blind randomised controlled trial O’Connell, Karen
3 3 artikel
10 Epidemiology of neuromyelitis optica in Latin America Alvarenga, MP
3 3 artikel
11 Healthcare expenditure of multiple sclerosis patients in 2013: A nationwide study based on French health administrative databases Lefeuvre, Delphine
3 3 artikel
12 Measuring the impact of multiple sclerosis: Enhancing the measurement performance of the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29) using Rasch Measurement Theory (RMT) Cleanthous, Sophie
3 3 artikel
13 MS in self-identified Hispanic/Latino individuals living in the US Amezcua, Lilyana
3 3 artikel
14 Quantitative characterization of optic nerve atrophy in patients with multiple sclerosis Harrigan, Robert L
3 3 artikel
15 Serum netrin-1 in relation to gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in early multiple sclerosis Voortman, MM
3 3 artikel
16 Serum retinol levels are associated with brain volume loss in patients with multiple sclerosis Yokote, H
3 3 artikel
17 Testing patient-reported outcome measurement equivalence in multinational clinical trials: An exemplar using the 12-item Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale Dib, Hussein
3 3 artikel
18 The challenges and opportunities of multiple sclerosis care in Latin America Ontaneda, Daniel
3 3 artikel
19 The genetics of multiple sclerosis in Latin America Rivas Alonso, Verónica
3 3 artikel
20 Which symptoms contribute the most to patients’ perception of health in multiple sclerosis? Green, Rivka
3 3 artikel
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland