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1 |
Assessment of the Arterial Input Curve for [99mTc]-d,l-HM-PAO by Rapid Octanol Extraction
Andersen, Allan R. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S23-S30 |
artikel |
2 |
CBF Tomograms with [99mTc-HM-PAO in Patients with Dementia (Alzheimer Type and HIV) and Parkinson's Disease—Initial Results
Costa, D. C. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S109-S115 |
artikel |
3 |
Determination of Flow and Rate Constants in a Kinetic Model of [99mTc]-Hexamethyl-Propylene Amine Oxime in the Human Brain
Matsuda, Hiroshi |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S61-S68 |
artikel |
4 |
Extraction of [99mTc]—d,l-HM-PAO across the Blood—Brain Barrier
Andersen, Allan R. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S44-S51 |
artikel |
5 |
Initial Cerebral HM-PAO Distribution Compared to LCBF: Use of a Model Which Considers Cerebral HM-PAO Trapping Kinetics
Lear, James L. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S31-S37 |
artikel |
6 |
Linearization Correction of 99mTc-Labeled Hexamethyl-Propylene Amine Oxime (HM-PAO) Image in Terms of Regional CBF Distribution: Comparison to C15O2 Inhalation Steady-State Method Measured by Positron Emission Tomography
Inugami, Atsushi |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S52-S60 |
artikel |
7 |
[99mTc]-HM-PAO SPECT in Parkinson's Disease
Pizzolato, G. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S101-S108 |
artikel |
8 |
Quantitative Measurements of Cerebral Blood Flow Using SPECT and [99mTc]-d,l-HM-PAO Compared to Xenon-133
Andersen, Allan R. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S69-S81 |
artikel |
9 |
Retention of [99mTc]-d,l-HM-PAO in Rat Brain: An Autoradiographic Study
Hoffman, Timothy J. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S38-S43 |
artikel |
10 |
SPECT Measurements with 99mTc-HM-PAO in Focal Epilepsy
Ryding, Erik |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S95-S100 |
artikel |
11 |
SPECT with [99mTc]-d,l-Hexamethyl-Propylene Amine Oxime (HM-PAO) Compared with Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Measured by PET: Effects of Linearization
Yonekura, Yoshiharu |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S82-S89 |
artikel |
12 |
Technetium-99m-d,l-HM-PAO, the Development of a New Class of 99mTc-Labeled Tracers: An Overview
Lassen, Niels A. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S1-S3 |
artikel |
13 |
The Retention Mechanism of Technetium-99m-HM-PAO: Intracellular Reaction with Glutathione
Neirinckx, Rudi D. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S4-S12 |
artikel |
14 |
The Retention of [99mTc]-d,l-HM-PAO in the Human Brain after Intracarotid Bolus Injection: A Kinetic Analysis
Lassen, Niels A. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S13-S22 |
artikel |
15 |
The Use of [99mTc]-HM-PAO in the Diagnosis of Primary Degenerative Dementia
Testa, H. J. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S123-S126 |
artikel |
16 |
The Use of Technetium-99m-HM-PAO in the Assessment of Patients with Dementia and other Neuropsychiatric Conditions
Smith, Francis W. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S116-S122 |
artikel |
17 |
Tomographic Studies of rCBF with [99mTc]-HM-PAO SPECT in Patients with Brain Tumors: Comparison with C15O2 Continuous Inhalation Technique and PET
Langen, K.-J. |
1988 |
8 |
1_suppl |
p. S90-S94 |
artikel |