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                             18 results found
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1 Cerebral vasomotor reactivity during hypo- and hypercapnia across the adult lifespan Tomoto, Tsubasa

40 3 p. 600-610
2 Characterizing ipsilateral thalamic diaschisis in symptomatic cerebrovascular steno-occlusive patients Hendrik Bas van Niftrik, Christiaan

40 3 p. 563-573
3 Correlations between dopaminergic dysfunction and abnormal metabolic network activity in REM sleep behavior disorder Huang, Zhemin

40 3 p. 552-562
4 Cortical atrophy and transcallosal diaschisis following isolated subcortical stroke Cheng, Bastian

40 3 p. 611-621
5 Elevated brain oxygen extraction fraction measured by MRI susceptibility relates to perfusion status in acute ischemic stroke Fan, Audrey P

40 3 p. 539-551
6 Excitatory pathway engaging glutamate, calcineurin, and NFAT upregulates IL-4 in ischemic neurons to polarize microglia Ting, Shun-Ming

40 3 p. 513-527
7 Experimental pediatric stroke shows age-specific recovery of cognition and role of hippocampal Nogo-A receptor signaling Orfila, James E

40 3 p. 588-599
8 Hypothermic neuroprotection against acute ischemic stroke: The 2019 update Wu, Longfei

40 3 p. 461-481
9 Metabolite concentration changes associated with positive and negative BOLD responses in the human visual cortex: A functional MRS study at 7 Tesla Boillat, Yohan

40 3 p. 488-500
10 Na+/K+-ATPase α isoform deficiency results in distinct spreading depolarization phenotypes Reiffurth, Clemens

40 3 p. 622-638
11 Network analysis identifies consensus physiological measures of neurovascular coupling in humans Squair, Jordan W

40 3 p. 656-666
12 Physiologic MR imaging of the tumor microenvironment revealed switching of metabolic phenotype upon recurrence of glioblastoma in humans Stadlbauer, Andreas

40 3 p. 528-538
13 Relationships between brain perfusion and early recanalization after intravenous thrombolysis for acute stroke with large vessel occlusion Seners, Pierre

40 3 p. 667-677
14 Signal variance-based collateral index in DSC perfusion: A novel method to assess leptomeningeal collateralization in acute ischaemic stroke Seiler, Alexander

40 3 p. 574-587
15 TGFα preserves oligodendrocyte lineage cells and improves white matter integrity after cerebral ischemia Dai, Xuejiao

40 3 p. 639-655
16 The impact of chronic kidney disease on cerebral hemodynamics: A transcranial Doppler study Ghoshal, Shivani

40 3 p. 482-487
17 Triheptanoin alters [U-13C6]-glucose incorporation into glycolytic intermediates and increases TCA cycling by normalizing the activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase and oxoglutarate dehydrogenase in a chronic epilepsy mouse model McDonald, Tanya

40 3 p. 678-691
18 Two-photon microscopic imaging of capillary red blood cell flux in mouse brain reveals vulnerability of cerebral white matter to hypoperfusion Li, Baoqiang

40 3 p. 501-512
                             18 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands