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tijdschrift |
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type |
1 |
Cerebral Extracellular Calcium Activity in Severe Hypoglycemia: Relation to Extracellular Potassium and Energy State
Harris, Robert J. |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 187-193 |
artikel |
2 |
Cerebrovascular Smooth Muscle Reactivity: A Critical Appraisal of in vitro and in situ Techniques
McCulloch, James |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 129-139 |
artikel |
3 |
Crossed Cerebellar Diaschisis in Ischemic Stroke: A Study of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow by 133Xe Inhalation and Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography
Meneghetti, G. |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 235-240 |
artikel |
4 |
Delayed Neuronal Recovery and Neuronal Death in Rat Hippocampus following Severe Cerebral Ischemia: Possible Relationship to Abnormalities in Neuronal Processes
Petito, C. K. |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 194-205 |
artikel |
5 |
Effect of the Calcium Antagonist Nimodipine on Local Cerebral Blood Flow: Relationship to Arterial Blood Pressure
Mohamed, A. A. |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 206-211 |
artikel |
6 |
Effects of Naloxone on Canine Cerebral Vascular Smooth Muscle
Sasaki, Tomio |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 166-172 |
artikel |
7 |
Estimates of Michaelis-Menten Constants for the Two Membranes of the Brain Endothelium
Gjedde, Albert |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 241-249 |
artikel |
8 |
Evaluation of [18F]-4-Fluoroantipyrine as a New Blood Flow Tracer for Multiradionuclide Autoradiography
Sako, Kazuhiro |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 259-263 |
artikel |
9 |
Extracellular pH, Potassium, and Calcium Activities in Progressive Ischaemia of Rat Cortex
Harris, Robert J. |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 178-186 |
artikel |
10 |
Immunoreactive Glucagon in the Smooth Muscle Cells of the Rat Cerebral Artery: An Immunohistochemical Analysis
Matsuyama, Tomohiro |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 305-307 |
artikel |
11 |
Inhibition by Verapamil of Ischemic Ca2+ Uptake in the Rabbit Hippocampus
Hagberg, Henrik |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 297-300 |
artikel |
12 |
Intense Furosemide-Sensitive Potassium Accumulation in Astrocytes in the Presence of Pathologically High Extracellular Potassium Levels
Walz, Wolfgang |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 301-304 |
artikel |
13 |
Iodoamphetamine as a New Tracer for Local Cerebral Blood Flow in the Rat: Comparison with Isopropyliodoamphetamine
Rapin, Jean R. |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 270-274 |
artikel |
14 |
Letter to the Editor
Faden, Alan I. |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 308 |
artikel |
15 |
Local Interrelationships of Cerebral Oxygen Consumption and Glucose Utilization in Normal Subjects and in Ischemic Stroke Patients: A Positron Tomography Study
Baron, J. C. |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 140-149 |
artikel |
16 |
Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow in the Rat with Intravenous Injection of [11C]Butanol by External Coincidence Counting: A Repeatable and Noninvasive Method in the Brain
Takagi, Shigeharu |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 275-283 |
artikel |
17 |
Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow Using Bolus Inhalation of C15O2 and Positron Emission Tomography: Description of the Method and its Comparison with the C15O2 Continuous Inhalation Method
Kanno, Iwao |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 224-234 |
artikel |
18 |
Mechanisms of Regulation of Cerebral Microflow during Bicuculline-Induced Seizures in Anaesthetized Cats
Leniger-Follert, Elfriede |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 150-165 |
artikel |
19 |
Monoexponential Analysis of 133Xe Clearance Curves for Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Measurements
Ryding, Erik |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 250-258 |
artikel |
20 |
Multiple-Radionuclide Autoradiography in Evaluation of Cerebral Function
Lear, James L. |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 264-269 |
artikel |
21 |
Neurologic Deficit and Cerebral ATP Depletion after Temporary Focal Ischemia in Cats
Sato, M. |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 173-177 |
artikel |
22 |
Reduction in Noradrenergic Perivascular Nerve Density in the Left and Right Cerebral Arteries of Old Rabbits
Saba, H. |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 284-289 |
artikel |
23 |
Regional Kinetic Constants and Cerebral Metabolic Rate for Glucose in Normal Human Volunteers Determined by Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography of [18F]-2-Fluoro-2-Deoxy-D-Glucose
Heiss, W.-D. |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 212-223 |
artikel |
24 |
The Authors Reply
Brandt, Lennart |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 308 |
artikel |
25 |
Three-Dimensional Architecture of Cerebral Microvessels with a Scanning Electron Microscope: A Cerebrovascular Casting Method for Fetal and Adult Rats
Yoshida, Yasuji |
1984 |
4 |
2 |
p. 290-296 |
artikel |