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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Computational Modeling of Cellular Effects Post-Irradiation with Low- and High-Let Particles and Different Absorbed Doses Tavares, Adriana Alexandre S.
11 2 artikel
2 Dual Effects of Bilirubin on the Proliferation of Rat Renal NRK52E Cells and its Association with Gap Junctions Wang, Yanling
11 2 artikel
3 Effects of Low Concentrations of Rotenone Upon Mitohormesis in SH-SY5Y Cells Yuyun, Xiong
11 2 artikel
4 Extreme Sensitivity and the Practical Implications of Risk Assessment Thresholds Bukowski, John
11 2 artikel
5 Hormesis, Cell Death, and Regenerative Medicine for Neurodegenerative Diseases Wang, Guanghu
11 2 artikel
6 Incorporating Low-Dose Epidemiology Data in a Chlorpyrifos Risk Assessment Goodman, Julie E.
11 2 artikel
7 Increased Radioresistance to Lethal Doses of Gamma Rays in Mice and Rats after Exposure to Microwave Radiation Emitted by a GSM Mobile Phone Simulator Mortazavi, SMJ
11 2 artikel
8 Insects, Insecticides and Hormesis: Evidence and Considerations for Study Cutler, G. Christopher
11 2 artikel
9 Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSAR) for Binary Mixtures at Non-Equitoxic Ratios Based on Toxic Ratios-Effects Curves Tian, Dayong
11 2 artikel
10 Theoretical and Experimental Models of Hormetic Fusion Tubulogenesis Fosslien, Egil
11 2 artikel
11 Window Theory in Non-Ionizing Radiation-Induced Adaptive Responses Mortazavi, SMJ
11 2 artikel
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland