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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A New Approach to Defining and Measuring Family Engagement in Early Childhood Education Programs Sabol, Terri J.
4 3 artikel
2 Black Teachers’ Retention and Transfer Patterns in North Carolina: How Do Patterns Vary by Teacher Effectiveness, Subject, and School Conditions? Sun, Min
4 3 artikel
3 Changes in the Demographics, Qualifications, and Turnover of American STEM Teachers, 1988–2012 Nguyen, Tuan D.
4 3 artikel
4 Corrigendum 2018
4 3 artikel
5 Does Teaching Quality Cross Subjects? Exploring Consistency in Elementary Teacher Practice Across Subjects Cohen, Julie
4 3 artikel
6 Gender Bias in Medical Images Affects Students’ Implicit but not Explicit Gender Attitudes Parker, Rhiannon B.
4 3 artikel
7 Integrative Learning in Award-Winning Student Writing: A Grounded Theory Analysis Youngerman, Ethan
4 3 artikel
8 Investigating Science Education Effect Sizes: Implications for Power Analyses and Programmatic Decisions Taylor, Joseph A.
4 3 artikel
9 Mediating Instructional Reform: An Examination of the Relationship Between District Policy and Instructional Coaching Woulfin, Sarah L.
4 3 artikel
10 Open Education Science van der Zee, Tim
4 3 artikel
11 Schooling Effects on Literacy Skills During the Transition to School Kim, Matthew H.
4 3 artikel
12 Teachers’ Insights Into Connected Learning Networks: Emerging Activities and Forms of Participation Vartiainen, Henriikka
4 3 artikel
13 The Effect of the 2008 Recession on Gifted Education Funding Across the State of Texas Hodges, Jaret
4 3 artikel
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland