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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Achievement Goal Task Framing and Fit With Personal Goals Modulate the Neurocognitive Response to Corrective Feedback Mangels, Jennifer A.
3 3 artikel
2 Associations Between Emotional Engagement With School and Behavioral and Psychological Outcomes Across Adolescence Markowitz, Anna J.
3 3 artikel
3 Entry Characteristics and Participation in a Peer Learning Program as Predictors of First-Year Students’ Achievement, Retention, and Degree Completion van der Meer, Jacques
3 3 artikel
4 Family Support of Third-Grade Reading Skills, Motivation, and Habits Capotosto, Lauren
3 3 artikel
5 Human–Animal Interaction Research in School Settings: Current Knowledge and Future Directions Gee, Nancy R.
3 3 artikel
6 Integrating Academic Press and Support by Increasing Student Ownership and Responsibility Cannata, Marisa Ann
3 3 artikel
7 Learning Race and Racism While Learning: Experiences of International Students Pursuing Higher Education in the Midwestern United States Mitchell, Donald
3 3 artikel
8 Measuring Collaborative Problem Solving Using Mathematics-Based Tasks Harding, Susan-Marie E.
3 3 artikel
9 Public School Choice and Student Achievement: Evidence From Michigan’s Interdistrict Open Enrollment System Cowen, Joshua M.
3 3 artikel
10 Social Cognitive Constructs Are Just as Stable as the Big Five Between Grades 5 and 8 Rieger, Sven
3 3 artikel
11 STEM Pathways: Do Men and Women Differ in Why They Enter and Exit? Maltese, Adam V.
3 3 artikel
12 Stress, Sleep, and Performance on Standardized Tests: Understudied Pathways to the Achievement Gap Heissel, Jennifer A.
3 3 artikel
13 The Effects of No Child Left Behind on Children’s Socioemotional Outcomes Whitney, Camille R.
3 3 artikel
14 The Value of Assessing Higher Education Student Learning Outcomes Melguizo, Tatiana
3 3 artikel
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland