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                             13 results found
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1 Bistable Perception Is Biased by Search Items but Not by Search Priming Brinkhuis, M. A. B.
9 6 article
2 Color, Music, and Emotion: Bach to the Blues Whiteford, Kelly L.
9 6 article
3 Cut of Clothes Maximizes the Effect of Amodal Completion to Make You Look Thinner Kiritani, Yoshie
9 6 article
4 Effects of the Simultaneous Presentation of Corresponding Auditory and Visual Stimuli on Size Variance Perception Ueda, Sachiyo
9 6 article
5 Hering Hermeneutics: Supplement to Translation and Commentary of Hering (1899) by Strasburger et al. Westheimer, Gerald
9 6 article
6 Impossible Movement Illusions Wiseman, Richard
9 6 article
7 Jump Across the Gap! A New Type of Colour Spreading Illusion Hasegawa, Kunihiro
9 6 article
8 Linear Motion Coverage as a Determinant of Transparent Liquid Perception Kawabe, Takahiro
9 6 article
9 Motion Aftereffects From Moving Illusions Anstis, Stuart
9 6 article
10 Never Repeat the Same Trick Twice—Unless it is Cognitively Impenetrable Ekroll, Vebjørn
9 6 article
11 The Perpetual Diamond: Contrast Reversals Along Thin Edges Create the Appearance of Motion in Objects Flynn, Oliver J.
9 6 article
12 The Rotating Glass Illusion: Material Appearance Is Bound to Perceived Shape and Motion Tamura, Hideki
9 6 article
13 Topological Sensitivity in the Recognition of Disoriented Figures Kanbe, Fumio
9 6 article
                             13 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands