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Can Rotational Grouping Be Determined by the Initial Conditions?
Dobbins, Allan C. |
2018 |
9 |
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2 |
2018 |
9 |
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3 |
Cortical Double-Opponent Cells in Color Perception: Perceptual Scaling and Chromatic Visual Evoked Potentials
Nunez, Valerie |
2018 |
9 |
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4 |
Effect of Grouping, Segmentation, and Vestibular Stimulation on the Autokinetic Effect
Ramachandran, Vilayanur S. |
2018 |
9 |
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5 |
2018 |
9 |
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6 |
Increasing Perspectival Obliqueness Increases the Leaning Tower Illusion
Parovel, Giulia |
2018 |
9 |
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7 |
Inverting the Facing-the-Viewer Bias for Biological Motion Stimuli
Weech, Séamas |
2018 |
9 |
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8 |
Is Red Heavier Than Yellow Even for Blind?
Barilari, Marco |
2018 |
9 |
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9 |
Is There a Common Summary Statistical Process for Representing the Mean and Variance? A Study Using Illustrations of Familiar Items
Yang, Yi |
2018 |
9 |
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10 |
Kitaoka’s Tomato: Two Simple Explanations Based on Information in the Stimulus
Shapiro, Arthur |
2018 |
9 |
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11 |
Line-Drawn Scenes Provide Sufficient Information for Discrimination of Threat and Mere Negativity
Boshyan, Jasmine |
2018 |
9 |
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12 |
Reduction of Flicker in Four-Stroke Motion of Color Images
Kawabe, Takahiro |
2018 |
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13 |
Stacking Chairs: Local Sense and Global Nonsense
Scott-Samuel, Nicholas E. |
2018 |
9 |
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14 |
Transient Signals and Inattentional Blindness in a Multi-object Tracking Task
Palmer, Dakota B. |
2018 |
9 |
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