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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Gaze-Driven Evolutionary Algorithm to Study Aesthetic Evaluation of Visual Symmetry Makin, Alexis D. J.
7 2 artikel
2 A New Angle on Object-Background Effects in Vection Kim, Juno
7 2 artikel
3 Induction of Monocular Stereopsis by Altering Focus Distance: A Test of Ames’s Hypothesis Vishwanath, Dhanraj
7 2 artikel
4 Ragona-Scinà’s (1847) Method for, and Observations of, Simultaneous Color Contrast O’Shea, Robert P.
7 2 artikel
5 Reachability Does Not Explain the Middle Preference: A Comment on Bar-Hillel (2015) Rodway, Paul
7 2 artikel
6 #TheDress: The Role of Illumination Information and Individual Differences in the Psychophysics of Perceiving White–Blue Ambiguities Hesslinger, Vera M.
7 2 artikel
7 Visual Foraging With Fingers and Eye Gaze Jóhannesson, Ómar I.
7 2 artikel
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland