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                             29 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Affective Encounters of the Algorithmic Kind: Post-Truth and Posthuman Pleasure Kalpokas, Ignas
5 2 artikel
2 Anger, Fear, and Echo Chambers: The Emotional Basis for Online Behavior Wollebæk, Dag
5 2 artikel
3 Are Echo Chambers Based on Partisanship? Twitter and Political Polarity in Poland and Hungary Matuszewski, Paweł
5 2 artikel
4 Awareness of Indirect Information Disclosure on Social Network Sites Padyab, Ali
5 2 artikel
5 Breakdown of Democratic Norms? Understanding the 2016 US Presidential Election Through Online Comments Masullo Chen, Gina
5 2 artikel
6 Careful Co-presence: The Transnational Mediation of Emotional Intimacy Alinejad, Donya
5 2 artikel
7 Degrees of Freedom: Exploring Agency, Narratives, and Technological Affordances in the #TakeAKnee Controversy Rosenbaum, Judith E.
5 2 artikel
8 Expanding Visibility on Twitter: Author and Message Characteristics and Retweeting Park, Chang Sup
5 2 artikel
9 Factors Motivating Customization and Echo Chamber Creation Within Digital News Environments Auxier, Brooke E.
5 2 artikel
10 Feeling the Chill: Bersih 2.0, State Censorship, and “Networked Affect” on Malaysian Social Media 2012–2018 Johns, Amelia
5 2 artikel
11 Genres as Social Affect: Cultivating Moods and Emotions through Playlists on Spotify Siles, Ignacio
5 2 artikel
12 Grievance Articulation and Community Reactions in the Men’s Rights Movement Online Rafail, Patrick
5 2 artikel
13 How Russian Rap on YouTube Advances Alternative Political Deliberation: Hegemony, Counter-Hegemony, and Emerging Resistant Publics Denisova, Anastasia
5 2 artikel
14 Incidental News Exposure on Social Media: A Campaign Communication Mediation Approach Yamamoto, Masahiro
5 2 artikel
15 Insta-Politicos: Motivations for Following Political Leaders on Instagram Parmelee, John H.
5 2 artikel
16 Machine Learning in Context, or Learning from LANDR: Artificial Intelligence and the Platformization of Music Mastering Sterne, Jonathan
5 2 artikel
17 Multi-Situated App Studies: Methods and Propositions Dieter, Michael
5 2 artikel
18 Mundane Content on Social Media: Creation, Circulation, and the Copyright Problem Meese, James
5 2 artikel
19 New Right Metapolitics and the Algorithmic Activism of Schild & Vrienden Maly, Ico
5 2 artikel
20 Politicians’ Self-Reported Social Media Activities and Perceptions: Results From Four Surveys Among German Parliamentarians Kelm, Ole
5 2 artikel
21 Selfies, Policies, or Votes? Political Party Use of Instagram in the 2015 and 2016 Spanish General Elections Turnbull-Dugarte, Stuart J.
5 2 artikel
22 Social Media for Political Campaigns: An Examination of Trump’s and Clinton’s Frame Building and Its Effect on Audience Engagement Sahly, Abdulsamad
5 2 artikel
23 Social Media Usage Patterns: Research Note Regarding the Lack of Universal Validated Measures for Active and Passive Use Trifiro, Briana M.
5 2 artikel
24 Societal Majority, Facebook, and the Spiral of Silence in the 2016 US Presidential Election Kushin, Matthew J.
5 2 artikel
25 Tapestries of Intimacy: Networked Intimacies and New Fathers’ Emotional Self-Disclosure of Mental Health Struggles Das, Ranjana
5 2 artikel
26 The Civic Labor of Volunteer Moderators Online Matias, J. Nathan
5 2 artikel
27 The Dick Pic: Harassment, Curation, and Desire Paasonen, Susanna
5 2 artikel
28 The President Is in: Public Opinion and the Presidential Use of Twitter Pain, Paromita
5 2 artikel
29 Using Social Network Analysis and Social Capital to Identify User Roles on Polarized Political Conversations on Twitter Recuero, Raquel
5 2 artikel
                             29 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland