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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Algorithmic Hotness: Young Women’s “Promotion” and “Reconnaissance” Work via Social Media Body Images Carah, Nicholas
2 4 artikel
2 A “Two-Level Social Capital Analysis” of the Role of Online Communication in Civic Activism: Lessons From the Role of Facebook in the Sunflower Movement Tsatsou, Panayiota
2 4 artikel
3 Baking Gender Into Social Media Design: How Platforms Shape Categories for Users and Advertisers Bivens, Rena
2 4 artikel
4 “Bitch I Said Hi”: The Bye Felipe Campaign and Discursive Activism in Mobile Dating Apps Shaw, Frances
2 4 artikel
5 Bonding Gossip as an Identity Negotiation Life Phase: A Study of Multimodal Texting via Smartphone Among Taiwanese College Freshmen Shiau, Hong-Chi
2 4 artikel
6 Branding the Self on Yelp: Consumer Reviewing as Image Entrepreneurship Kuehn, Kathleen M.
2 4 artikel
7 Facebook and the Fun of Drinking Photos: Reproducing Gendered Regimes of Power Lyons, Antonia C.
2 4 artikel
8 From Scene to Screen: The challenges and opportunities of commercial digital platforms for HIV community outreach Mowlabocus, Sharif
2 4 artikel
9 “Honestly, We’re Not Spying on Kids”: School Surveillance of Young People’s Social Media Shade, Leslie Regan
2 4 artikel
10 It’s About Ethics in Games Journalism? Gamergaters and Geek Masculinity Braithwaite, Andrea
2 4 artikel
11 It’s the Audience: Differences in Social Support Across Social Media Hayes, Rebecca A.
2 4 artikel
12 Making Digital Cultures of Gender and Sexuality With Social Media Burgess, Jean
2 4 artikel
13 Making It “Facebook Official”: Reflecting on Romantic Relationships Through Sustained Facebook Use Robards, Brady
2 4 artikel
14 Meaner on Mobile: Incivility and Impoliteness in Communicating Contentious Politics on Sociotechnical Networks Groshek, Jacob
2 4 artikel
15 Navigating Online Selves: Social, Cultural, and Material Contexts of Social Media Use by Diasporic Gay Men Dhoest, Alexander
2 4 artikel
16 Picture a Protest: Analyzing Media Images Tweeted From Ferguson Cowart, Holly S.
2 4 artikel
17 Safe on My Phone? Same-Sex Attracted Young People’s Negotiations of Intimacy, Visibility, and Risk on Digital Hook-Up Apps Albury, Kath
2 4 artikel
18 Sociality and Classification: Reading Gender, Race, and Class in a Humorous Meme Kanai, Akane
2 4 artikel
19 Social Networking Site Behaviors Across the Relational Lifespan: Measurement and Association With Relationship Escalation and De-escalation Brody, Nicholas
2 4 artikel
20 The Digital Barbershop: Blogs and Online Oral Culture Within the African American Community Steele, Catherine Knight
2 4 artikel
21 “The Question Exists, but You Don’t Exist With It”: Strategic Anonymity in the Social Lives of Adolescents Ellison, Nicole B.
2 4 artikel
22 Users’ Encounter With Normative Discourses on Facebook: A Three-Pronged Analysis of User Agency as Power Structure, Nexus, and Reception Mathieu, David
2 4 artikel
23 “You Need to Be Sorted Out With a Knife”: The Attempted Online Silencing of Women and People of Muslim Faith Within Academia Barlow, Charlotte
2 4 artikel
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland