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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Double-Edged Sword: Social Media as a Tool of Online Disinhibition Regarding American Sign Language and Deaf Cultural Experience Marginalization, and as a Tool of Cultural and Linguistic Exposure Saunders, K. Crom
2 1 artikel
2 A Social Milieu Approach to the Online Participation Divides in Germany Lutz, Christoph
2 1 artikel
3 Chronic Media Worlds: Social Media and the Problem of Pain Communication on Tumblr Gonzalez-Polledo, Elena
2 1 artikel
4 Conversations and Campaign Dynamics in a Hybrid Media Environment: Use of Twitter by Members of the German Bundestag Nuernbergk, Christian
2 1 artikel
5 Disclosure Management on Social Network Sites: Individual Privacy Perceptions and User-Directed Privacy Strategies Masur, Philipp K.
2 1 artikel
6 Engaging Young People: Deliberative Preferences in Discussions About News and Politics Peacock, Cynthia
2 1 artikel
7 From Swarm Intelligence to Swarm Malice: An Appeal Weichert, Stephan
2 1 artikel
8 Micro Agenda Setters: The Effect of Social Media on Young Adults’ Exposure to and Attitude Toward News Wohn, Donghee Yvette
2 1 artikel
9 Monetizing a Meme: YouTube, Content ID, and the Harlem Shake Soha, Michael
2 1 artikel
10 Pinning Design: The Curatorial Labor of Creative Professionals Scolere, Leah
2 1 artikel
11 Pinterest or Thinterest?: Social Comparison and Body Image on Social Media Lewallen, Jennifer
2 1 artikel
12 Precarious Popularity: Facebook Drinking Photos, the Attention Economy, and the Regime of the Branded Self Goodwin, Ian
2 1 artikel
13 Selfies of Ill Health: Online Autopathographic Photography and the Dramaturgy of the Everyday Tembeck, Tamar
2 1 artikel
14 Social Media Communicator Roles: A Scale Carpenter, Serena
2 1 artikel
15 Social Media Rhetoric of the Transnational Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement Hitchcock, Jennifer
2 1 artikel
16 Social Media Use and Online Political Participation Among College Students During the US Election 2012 Yang, Hongwei “Chris”
2 1 artikel
17 The Four Cultures: Media Studies at the Crossroads Pooley, Jefferson D.
2 1 artikel
18 The Imagined Audience on Social Network Sites Litt, Eden
2 1 artikel
19 When Journalists Tweet: Disclosure, Participatory, and Personal Transparency Hedman, Ulrika
2 1 artikel
20 Who Would Jesus Bomb? The Republican Jesus Meme and the Fracturing of Ideology Duerringer, Christopher M.
2 1 artikel
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland