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1 Beginning Teachers as Leaders: Today’s schools are inviting new teachers to take advantage of leadership opportunities. See how you can get involved. Watson, Cristie
93 2 p. 30-30
2 Bulletin Board: Looking for a way to assess students’ knowledge? Check out these resources to add some new tools to your repertoire. 2014
93 2 p. 4-4
3 In Six Words…: See how the Future Educators Association and Pi Lambda Theta Facebook communities responded to the question below in six words. 2014
93 2 p. 31-31
4 Is “Getting Gritty” the Answer?: Can grit solve all your students’ problems? This urban high school teacher shares her experiences. Barile, Nancy
93 2 p. 8-9
5 LOL Teacher! Using Humor to Enhance Student Learning: Laughing with students can help them connect on a deeper level with you and the learning. Try these four strategies to incorporate humor into your teaching. Terrell, Shelly
93 2 p. 6-7
6 Make Friends with Student Data: Student data is more than just test scores. Find out what it is, why it matters, and how you can use it. Kajitani, Alex
93 2 p. 24-26
7 #MoreThanEdChats: Did you know you can improve as an educator in only a few minutes a day? See how this teacher uses Twitter to get great ideas she can use. Mieliwocki, Rebecca
93 2 p. 21-23
8 Pop Quiz: Professional Learning: Is your learning done when you graduate from college? Not at all. Some say that the professional development you receive as a new teacher is the timeliest learning of your career. Take this quiz to see what you know. Clement, Mary C.
93 2 p. 27-28
9 Teachers’ Mindsets: “Every Student has Something to Teach Me”: Feeling overwhelmed? Where did your natural teaching talent go? Try pairing a growth mindset with reasonable goals, patience, and reflection instead. It’s time to get gritty and be a better teacher. Dweck, Carol
93 2 p. 10-15
10 Teaching the Soft Skills: Three Students Break it Down: Soft skills might be more important than academic skills, but how do you teach them? Follow this practical advice. Merz, Sandy
93 2 p. 18-20
11 The Job Hunt: Get advice for December graduates, the scoop on where to find teaching jobs, and the answer to why you’re not getting any interviews Stephens, Cathy
93 2 p. 5-5
12 Why I Teach Peterson, Anna
93 2 p. 32-32
                             12 results found
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