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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Matrix to Determine Health Economic Viability Throughout Product Development: A Pharmaceutical Industry Perspective Hemels, Michiel

43 6 p. 749-756
2 A Practical Approach to Evidence-Based Medicine for the Medical Communications Professional Bryant, Patrick J.

43 6 p. 663-672
3 Auditing Medical Information Services Across Western Europe: A Cost-Effective Approach Wormleighton, Charlotte

43 6 p. 655-662
4 Evaluating REMS Tools: Issues in Survey Design Morris, Louis A.

43 6 p. 735-747
5 Guest Editor’s Note: 20th Anniversary Special Section on Medical Communications Vermeulen, Rebecca

43 6 p. 635-636
6 Historical Perspective of Technologies Used in Medical Communications, Past, Present, and Future Fierro, Lesley

43 6 p. 705-712
7 Planning and Executing Response-Adaptive Learn-Phase Clinical Trials: 2. Case Studies Fardipour, Parvin

43 6 p. 725-734
8 Planning and Executing Response-Adaptive Learn-Phase Clinical Trials: 1. The Process Fardipour, Parvin

43 6 p. 713-723
9 Results of a Qualitative Market Research Study Evaluating the Quality of Medical Letters Fett, Radeguade

43 6 p. 697-703
10 Surveying Medical Information Across Europe: The Present and the Future Leigbton, Sharon

43 6 p. 637-654
11 Surveys of Medical Liaison Practices Across the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Review Bass, J. Lynn

43 6 p. 685-695
12 The Changing Roles of Medical Communications Professionals: Evolution of the Core Curriculum Codogan, Alicia Alexander

43 6 p. 673-684
13 The Current Situation of Oncology Drug Lag in Japan and Strategic Approaches for Pharmaceutical Companies Hashimoto, Junichi

43 6 p. 757-765
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland