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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Call and response: Musical and bodily interactions in jazz improvisation duos Wöllner, Clemens

24 1 p. 44-59
2 Contemporary art music and its audiences: Age, gender, and social class profile Grebosz-Haring, Katarzyna

24 1 p. 60-77
3 Context effects of background babbling on memory for melodies Herff, Steffen A.

24 1 p. 96-112
4 Evaluating practice strategies, behavior and learning progress in elite performers: An exploratory study Mornell, Adina

24 1 p. 130-135
5 Music listening as a potential aid in reducing emotional eating: An exploratory study van den Tol, Annemieke J. M.

24 1 p. 78-95
6 The relationship between musical training and musical empathizing and systemizing traits Dahary, Hadas

24 1 p. 113-129
7 The role of positional knowledge and tonal approaches in cellists’ sight-reading Wolfs, Zyxcban G.

24 1 p. 3-20
8 “The sound of affect”: Age differences in perceiving valence and arousal in music and their relation to music characteristics and momentary mood Cohrdes, Caroline

24 1 p. 21-43
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland