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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abstracts
26 4 p. 102
2 A kindergarten-based child health promotion program: the Adapted National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Mission X for improving physical fitness in South Korea Min, Jungwon

26 4 p. 52-61
3 Applying a health action model to predict and improve healthy behaviors in coal miners Vahedian-Shahroodi, Mohammad

26 4 p. 79-89
4 Capital social de los padres de escolares de una zona vulnerable Cornejo, Susana

26 4 p. 130-138
5 Evaluation of a multi-layered health promotion approach in rural China Tian, Xiangyang

26 4 p. 14-24
6 Evolution of non-communicable disease prevention and control in China Han, Mengge

26 4 p. 90-95
7 Health behavior-related indicator of lifestyle: application in the ELSA-Brasil study Patrão, Ana Luísa

26 4 p. 62-69
8 Healthy China 2030, a breakthrough for improving health Tan, Xiaodong

26 4 p. 96-99
9 How social stigma sustains the HIV treatment gap for MSM in Mpumalanga, South Africa Maleke, Kabelo

26 4 p. 6-13
10 Implementación de un modelo de capacitación multimedial para brindar orientación alimentaria a los beneficiarios de un programa de ayuda social en México Amaya-Castellanos, Maritza Alejandra

26 4 p. 118-129
11 Korean clergy for healthy families: online intervention for preventing intimate partner violence Choi, Y. Joon

26 4 p. 25-32
12 Leadership for planetary health and sustainable development: health promotion community capacities for working with Indigenous peoples in the application of Indigenous knowledge Ratima, Mihi

26 4 p. 3-5
13 Liderazgo para la salud del planeta y el desarrollo sostenible: la capacidad de la comunidad de promoción de la salud para trabajar con los pueblos indígenas en la aplicación de sus conocimientos Ratima, Mihi

26 4 p. 114-117
14 Preliminary evaluation of an adolescent positive health measurement scale: a salutogenic health promotion approach Lake, Donna M.

26 4 p. 44-51
15 Resúmenes
26 4 p. 139-144
16 Résumés
26 4 p. 107-113
17 School accreditation scheme reduces childhood obesity in Hong Kong Fu, Yuk Ching Alex

26 4 p. 70-78
18 The effects of patient-centered communication, social capital, and internet use on patient empowerment: a cross-sectional study in China Jiang, Shaohai

26 4 p. 33-43
19 Timely and significant call for planetary health promotion Tu’itahi, Sione

26 4 p. 100-101
20 Un leadership pour la santé planétaire et le développement durable: utiliser les capacités de la communauté de promotion de la santé pour travailler avec les populations autochtones à l’application des connaissances autochtones Ratima, Mihi

26 4 p. 103-106
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland