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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A curious cause of bilateral upper extremity lymphedema: ‘Puffy hand syndrome’ Dean, Steven M

25 1 p. 92
2 Association of comorbid depression with inpatient outcomes in critical limb ischemia Zahner, Greg J

25 1 p. 25-32
3 Development and feasibility of a Patient Blood Management implementation programme in vascular surgery Chau, Marisa

25 1 p. 41-46
4 Diagnostic approach and management of genetic aortopathies Bhandari, Rohan

25 1 p. 63-77
5 Financial barriers in accessing medical care for peripheral artery disease are associated with delay of presentation and adverse health status outcomes in the United States Jelani, Qurat-ul-ain

25 1 p. 13-24
6 Impact of diabetes mellitus on 5-year clinical outcomes following successful endovascular revascularization for peripheral artery disease Lee, Michael S

25 1 p. 33-40
7 Letter to the Editor regarding ‘Relationships between the use of pharmacomechanical catheter-directed thrombolysis, sonographic findings, and clinical outcomes in patients with acute proximal DVT: Results from the ATTRACT Multicenter Randomized Trial’ Gwozdz, Adam M

25 1 p. 88-89
8 Message from your Executive Leadership Kolluri, Raghu

25 1 p. 98-99
9 Net clinical benefit of anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation following intracerebral hemorrhage Pappas, Matthew A

25 1 p. 55-59
10 Pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma – A rare vascular tumor Bartholomew, John R

25 1 p. 93-94
11 Response to Gwozdz and colleagues Weinberg, Ido

25 1 p. 90-91
12 The conundrum of resuming anticoagulant therapy after intracerebral bleeding: In whom, when, and how? Xu, Ke

25 1 p. 60-62
13 Trends in statin utilization among adults with severe peripheral artery disease including critical limb ischemia in an integrated healthcare delivery system Reynolds, Kristi

25 1 p. 3-12
14 Unfractionated heparin infusion for treatment of venous thromboembolism based on actual body weight without dose capping Shlensky, Julia A

25 1 p. 47-54
15 Using the epidemiology of critical limb ischemia to estimate the number of patients amenable to endovascular therapy Fereydooni, Arash

25 1 p. 78-87
16 Vascular Disease Patient Information Page: Exercise for peripheral artery disease Treat-Jacobson, Diane

25 1 p. 95-97
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland