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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Beware! Rubbish! Popular culture and strategies of distinction Bolin, Göran
2 1 p. 33-49
2 Life-course transitions and future orientations of Dutch youth Du bois-reymond, Manuela
2 1 p. 3-20
3 NYRIS IV Young in Europe - Conditions, changes, alternatives Stockholm, 2-4 June 1994 1994
2 1 p. 64-64
4 Reviews : Double and split Kirsten Drotner & Monica Rudberg (eds): Dobbelblikk på det moderne. Unge kvinners hverdagsliv og kultur i Norden. (Double look at the modernity. Everyday life and culture of young women in Nordic countries.) Oslo: Universitetsförlaget, 1993 Jokinen, Eeva
2 1 p. 59-61
5 Reviews : Hans-Erik Olson: Statens och ungdomens fritid. Kontroll eller autonomi? (The state and young people's leisure time. Control or autonomy?) PhD dissertation. Lund: Arkiv, 1992 Langager, Søren
2 1 p. 57-58
6 Reviews : Kåre Rørhus: Ungdom og idolpåvirkning - En teoretisk og empirisk studie av ungdoms forhold till idoler i massemediene (Youth and the impact of idols) Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1993 Johansson, Thomas
2 1 p. 62-63
7 Reviews : Relating modernity to youth research Fornäs, Johan, Ulf Boëthius, Sabina Cwejman, Hillevi Ganetz & Bo Reimer (eds): Metodfrågor i ungdomsforskningen (Methodological issues in youth culture research) FUS-rapport nr 1, 1990. Ungdom och kulturell modernisering (Youth and cultural modernization) FUS-rapport nr 2, 1990. Kön och identitet i förändring (Gender and identity in transformation) FUS- rapport nr 3, 1991. Unga stilar och uttrycksformer (Young styles and forms of expression) FUS- rapport nr 4, 1992. Ungdomar i skilda sfärer (Youth in different spheres) FUS-rapport nr 5, 1993. Stockholm: Stehag/Symposion Siurala, Lasse
2 1 p. 50-54
8 Reviews : Thomas Johansson & Fredrik Miegel: Do the right thing. Lifestyle and identity in contemporary youth culture Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1992, 324 pp Aittola, Tapio
2 1 p. 55-56
9 Rites of passage in high modernity Pedersen, Willy
2 1 p. 21-32
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland