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                             62 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Book Reviews : BASIC Microcomputer Programs for Urban Analysis and Planning 1988
6 2 p. 320-321
2 BookReviews : BASIC Microcomputer Programs for Urban Analysis and Planning John R. Ottensmann Publisher: Methuen, Inc., 29 W. 35th St., New York, NY 10001 Year of Publication: 1985 Length: 208 pages Price: $18.50 Intended Audience: Urban planners, students of urban planning 1988
6 2 p. 320-321
3 Book Reviews : Bits, Bytes, and Biblical Studies: A Resource Guide for the Use of Computers in Biblical and Classical Studies 1988
6 2 p. 324-325
4 BookReviews : Bits, Bytes, and Biblical Studies: A Resource Guide for the Use of Computers in Biblical and Classical Studies John J. Hughes Staff review Publisher: Academic Books, Zondervan Publishing House, 1415 Lake Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (telephone: 800-253-1309) Year of Publication: 1987 Length: 643 pages Price: $29.95 Intended Audience: Scholars doing computerized text analysis, especially in biblical studies 1988
6 2 p. 324-325
5 Book Reviews : Microcomputers in Public Works American Public Works Association 1988
6 2 p. 322-323
6 BookReviews : Microcomputers in Public Works American Public Works Association Publisher: APWA, 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60636 Year of Publication: 1986 Length: 371 pages Price: $75.00 for nonmembers of APWA Intended Audience: Public works practitioners 1988
6 2 p. 322-323
7 Book Reviews : Mind Over Machine: The Power of Human Intuition and Expertise in the Era of the Computer 1988
6 2 p. 313-315
8 BookReviews : Mind Over Machine: The Power of Human Intuition and Expertise in the Era of the Computer Hubert L. Dreyfus and Stuart E. Dreyfus Publisher: Free Press, 866 Third Ave., New York, NY 10022 Year of Publication: 1986 Length: 206 pages Price: $16.95 Intended Audience: College-educated public 1988
6 2 p. 313-315
9 Book Reviews : Simulation-Gaming in the Late 1980's 1988
6 2 p. 323-324
10 BookReviews : Simulation-Gaming in the Late 1980's David Crookall, Cathy Stein Greenblat, Alan Coote, Jan Klabbers, and David Watson (Eds.) Staff review Publisher: Pergamon Press, Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, NY 10523 (telephone: 914-592-7700) Year of Publication: 1987 Length: 342 pages Price: $49.95 Intended Audience: Social scientists and users of simulations 1988
6 2 p. 323-324
11 BookReviews : The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society James R. Beniger Publisher: Harvard University Press, 79 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138 Year of Publication: 1986 Price: $25.00 Length: 493 pages Intended Audience: Historians, economists, the educated public 1988
6 2 p. 318-320
12 BookReviews : The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society James R. Beniger Publisher: Harvard University Press, 79 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138 Year of Publication: 1986 Price: $25.00 Length: 493 pages Intended Audience: Historians, economists, the educated public 1988
6 2 p. 318-320
13 BookReviews : The Cult of Information: The Folklore of Computers and the True Art of Thinking Theodore Roszak Publisher: Pantheon Books, 201 E. 50th St., New York, NY 10022 Year of Publication: 1986 Length: 238 pages Price: $7.95 Intended Audience: Educated laymen 1988
6 2 p. 315-317
14 BookReviews : The Cult of Information: The Folklore of Computers and the True Art of Thinking Theodore Roszak Publisher: Pantheon Books, 201 E. 50th St., New York, NY 10022 Year of Publication: 1986 Length: 238 pages Price: $7.95 Intended Audience: Educated laymen 1988
6 2 p. 315-317
15 Book Reviews : The Federal Database Finder (2nd ed.) Information USA 1988
6 2 p. 324
16 BookReviews : The Federal Database Finder (2nd ed.) Information USA Staff review Publisher: Information USA, 4701 Willard Ave., Ste. 1707, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 (telephone: 301-657-1200) Year of Publication: 198 7 Length: 368 pages Price: $125.00 Intended Audience: Researchers 1988
6 2 p. 324-324
17 Book Reviews : Workbook: Introduction to dBASEIII PLUS and Workbook: Using dBASEIII PLUS 1988
6 2 p. 325-326
18 BookReviews : Workbook: Introduction to dBASEIII PLUS and Workbook: Using dBASEIII PLUS Ashton-Tate Staff review Publisher: Ashton-Tate Corp., 10150 W. Jefferson Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230 (telephone: 800-437-4329) Year of Publication: 1986 Length: Introduction, 76 pages; Using, 104 pages Price: Introduction, $24.95; Using, $32.95 Intended Audience: Beginning students of DBASEIII PLUS 1988
6 2 p. 325-326
19 Communications and Reports 1988
6 2 p. 242-254
20 Communications and Reports 1988
6 2 p. 242-254
21 Computer Analysis of Cultural Structures Heise, David R.
6 2 p. 183-196
22 Computer Analysis of Cultural Structures Heise, David R.
6 2 p. 183-196
23 Computers, Mass Media, and Schooling: Functional Equivalence in Uses of New Media Lieberman, Debra A.
6 2 p. 224-241
24 Computers, Mass Media, and Schooling: Functional Equivalence in Uses of New Media Lieberman, Debra A.
6 2 p. 224-241
25 News and Notes Garson, G. David
6 2 p. 255-276
26 News and Notes Garson, G. David
6 2 p. 255-276
27 Software Reviews : ADAPTIVE PERCEPTUAL MAPPING SYSTEM, Version 1.0 1988
6 2 p. 297-298
28 SoftwareReviews : ADAPTIVE PERCEPTUAL MAPPING SYSTEM, Version 1.0 Reviewed by Joan Baumer, North Carolina State University Publisher: Sawtooth Software, Inc., PO Box 3429, 208 Spruce North, Ketchum, ID 83340 (telephone: 208-726-7772) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: Three disks (not copy-protected), 200-page manual in three-ring binder Price: $2,500 for single-user license, $5,000 for multi-user license, $10,000 for corporate-wide license, $200 for laboratory teaching version Machine Specificity: IBM PC, XT, AT, and compatibles System Requirements: 256K of memory, hard disk drive, monochrome monitor, printer capable of 132-column operation Effectiveness: Excellent User-Friendliness: Excellent Documentation: Good 1988
6 2 p. 297-298
29 Software Reviews : AUTOMATED SOCIAL HISTORY II, enhanced version 1988
6 2 p. 295-297
30 SoftwareReviews : AUTOMATED SOCIAL HISTORY II, enhanced version Reviewed by Larry D. Hilgert, Valdosta State College Publisher: Anderson Publishing Co., Criminal Justice Division, Software Department, PO Box 1576, Cincinnati, OH 45221 (telephone: 513-421-4142) Year of Publication: 1986 Materials: One diskette, one 71-page manual (user's guide), one 18-page offline data collection booklet, 50 two-page offline data collection protocols Price: $392 (demonstration package available for $25; must be returned Machine Specificity: IBM PC, AT, xT, and most compatibles System Requirements: 64K, black-and-white monitor, one disk drive, MS Dos 2.1 or later (except MS Dos 3.2), BASICA, printer Effectiveness: Excellent User-Friendliness: Good Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 295-297
31 SoftwareReviews : BALANCE OF POWER: GEOPOLITICS IN THE NUCLEAR AGE Reviewed by Joseph Behar, Dowling College Publisher: Mindscape, Inc., 3444 Dundee Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062 (telephone: 312-480-7667) Year of Publication: 1985 Materials: Program disk, 87-page manual, 59-page teacher's manual Price: $45 Machine Specificity: Macintosh System Requirements: 128K memory Effectiveness: Fair User-Friendliness: Good Documentation: Good 1988
6 2 p. 291-293
32 SoftwareReviews : BALANCE OF POWER: GEOPOLITICS IN THE NUCLEAR AGE Reviewed by Joseph Behar, Dowling College Publisher: Mindscape, Inc., 3444 Dundee Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062 (telephone: 312-480-7667) Year of Publication: 1985 Materials: Program disk, 87-page manual, 59-page teacher's manual Price: $45 Machine Specificity: Macintosh System Requirements: 128K memory Effectiveness: Fair User-Friendliness: Good Documentation: Good 1988
6 2 p. 291-293
33 Software Reviews : CLR STATCALC 1988
6 2 p. 305-306
34 SoftwareReviews : CLR STATCALC Reviewed by Diana Mayer Demetrulias, California State University, Stanislaus Publisher: Clear Lake Research, 5615 Momingside, Ste. 127, Houston, TX 77005 (telephone: 713-523-7842) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: One disk Price: $22.50; $125 for a site license for educational institutions Machine Specificity: Macintosh Plus System Requirements: 32K, HyperCard (provided free by Apple, Inc., with the purchase of a Macintosh Plus) Effectiveness: Good User-Friendliness: Excellent Documentation: Fair 1988
6 2 p. 305-306
35 Software Reviews : CROSSTABS 1988
6 2 p. 299-300
36 SoftwareReviews : CROSSTABS Reviewed by Sanford R. Silverburg, Catawba College Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Co., One Beacon St., Boston, MA 02108 (telephone: 617-725-5000) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: One 2-sided floppy diskette, a 104-page user's manual, a 20-page instructor's answer booklet Price: Gratis with adoption of related classroom text Machine Specificity: IBM PC, Apple II, Apple IIe, Macintosh System Requirements: IBM: DOs 2.1 or higher, 256K; Apple IIe: 128K, 80-column screen; printer for all versions optional Effectiveness: Excellent User-Friendliness: Excellent Documentation: Good 1988
6 2 p. 299-300
37 SoftwareReviews : 1, 2, 3 FORECAST !, Release 2.01 Reviewed by William P. Yohe, Duke University Publisher: Bruce L. Gates, PO Box 12582, Salem, OR 97309 (telephone: 503-585-8314) Year of Publication: 1986 Materials: One disk (not copy-protected), 71-page loose-leaf user's manual Price: $89.95 postpaid (special prices available for class use Machine Specificity: ~M PC arid compatibles, Machine Specificity: wM Pc and compatibles System Requirements: 384K RAM, two 360K floppy drives or one 360K drive and hard disk; PC/MS Dos 2.0 or higher; LOTUS 1-2-3, Release 2 Effectiveness: Very good User-Friendliness: Very good Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 306-309
38 SoftwareReviews : 1, 2, 3 FORECAST !, Release 2.01 Reviewed by William P. Yohe, Duke University Publisher: Bruce L. Gates, PO Box 12582, Salem, OR 97309 (telephone: 503-585-8314) Year of Publication: 1986 Materials: One disk (not copy-protected), 71-page loose-leaf user's manual Price: $89.95 postpaid (special prices available for class use Machine Specificity: ~M PC arid compatibles, Machine Specificity: wM Pc and compatibles System Requirements: 384K RAM, two 360K floppy drives or one 360K drive and hard disk; PC/MS Dos 2.0 or higher; LOTUS 1-2-3, Release 2 Effectiveness: Very good User-Friendliness: Very good Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 306-309
39 Software Reviews : MARKET PLACE ECONOMICS 1988
6 2 p. 290-291
40 SoftwareReviews : MARKET PLACE ECONOMICS Reviewed by Stan Ricketts, Baptist College at Charleston Publisher: Diversified Educational Enterprises, Inc., 725 Main St., Lafayette, IN 47901 (telephone: 317-742-2690) Year of Publication: 1985 Materials: Disk, operations guide for instructor's and student's program, three worksheet exercises, and answer key Price: $49.95 Machine Specificity: Apple II, Apple II+, Apple lie, IBM PC, and PCJR System Requirements: 48K, disk drives Effectiveness: Good to excellent User-Friendliness: Excellent Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 290-291
41 SoftwareReviews : Microcomputer Graphics and Missing Information: A Review of EQUATION PLOTTER Nagel, Stuart S.
6 2 p. 277-284
42 SoftwareReviews : Microcomputer Graphics and Missing Information: A Review of EQUATION PLOTTER Nagel, Stuart S.
6 2 p. 277-284
43 SoftwareReviews : NUMBER CRUNCHER STATISTICAL SYSTEM, Version 5.1 Reviewed by Michael Kallam, Fort Hays State University Publisher: Jerry Hintze, 865 E. 400 N, Kaysville, UT 84037 (telephone: 801-546-0445 ) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: Four 5.25-inch disks (not copy-protected), 304-page manual Price: $99; additional graphics package, $59; student version, 10 or more copies, $20 each; site license for 10 copies available at 40% discount Machine Specificity : IBM PC or compatibles System Requirements: 400K memory Effectiveness: Good User-Friendliness: Good Documentation: Good 1988
6 2 p. 302-303
44 SoftwareReviews : NUMBER CRUNCHER STATISTICAL SYSTEM, Version 5.1 Reviewed by Michael Kallam, Fort Hays State University Publisher: Jerry Hintze, 865 E. 400 N, Kaysville, UT 84037 (telephone: 801-546-0445 ) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: Four 5.25-inch disks (not copy-protected), 304-page manual Price: $99; additional graphics package, $59; student version, 10 or more copies, $20 each; site license for 10 copies available at 40% discount Machine Specificity : IBM PC or compatibles System Requirements: 400K memory Effectiveness: Good User-Friendliness: Good Documentation: Good 1988
6 2 p. 302-303
45 SoftwareReviews : SHOWCASE: CRIME AND DEVIANCE INNORTHAMERICA, Version 2.0 Reviewed by Gary D. Hill, North Carolina State University Publisher: Cognitive Development, Inc., Ste. 141, 12345 Lake City Way NE, Seattle, WA 98125 (telephone: 206-363-6905) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: One main diskette, one back-up, 25-page user's guide, 122-page manual (including codebooks) Price: $195Machine Specificity: ills PC and compatibles with color graphics System Requirements: 128K memory, single 360K disk drive, graphics card Effectiveness: Excellent User-Friendliness: Excellent Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 286-288
46 SoftwareReviews : SHOWCASE: CRIME AND DEVIANCE INNORTHAMERICA, Version 2.0 Reviewed by Gary D. Hill, North Carolina State University Publisher: Cognitive Development, Inc., Ste. 141, 12345 Lake City Way NE, Seattle, WA 98125 (telephone: 206-363-6905) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: One main diskette, one back-up, 25-page user's guide, 122-page manual (including codebooks) Price: $195Machine Specificity: ills PC and compatibles with color graphics System Requirements: 128K memory, single 360K disk drive, graphics card Effectiveness: Excellent User-Friendliness: Excellent Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 286-288
47 SoftwareReviews : SHOWCASE: FAMILYAND SOCIALIZATIONINNORTH AMERICA, Version 2.0 Reviewed by Martin L. Levin, Emory University Publisher: Cognitive Development, Inc., Ste. 141, 12345 Lake City Way NE, Seattle, WA 98125 (telephone: 206-363-6905) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: Program and data disk (copy-protected), program and data disk back-up (copy-protected), SHOWCASE user's guide, FAMILY AND SOCIALIZATION IN NORTH AMERICA instructor's manual Price: $195; additional copies for student use available at $75 each for the first five and $50 each for all subsequent copies; for network installation the price is negotiable Machine Specificity: IBM PC, XT, AT, or compatibles System Requirements: One drive, 128K RAM, color graphics Effectiveness: Excellent User-Friendliness: Good Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 284-286
48 SoftwareReviews : SHOWCASE: FAMILYAND SOCIALIZATIONINNORTH AMERICA, Version 2.0 Reviewed by Martin L. Levin, Emory University Publisher: Cognitive Development, Inc., Ste. 141, 12345 Lake City Way NE, Seattle, WA 98125 (telephone: 206-363-6905) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: Program and data disk (copy-protected), program and data disk back-up (copy-protected), SHOWCASE user's guide, FAMILY AND SOCIALIZATION IN NORTH AMERICA instructor's manual Price: $195; additional copies for student use available at $75 each for the first five and $50 each for all subsequent copies; for network installation the price is negotiable Machine Specificity: IBM PC, XT, AT, or compatibles System Requirements: One drive, 128K RAM, color graphics Effectiveness: Excellent User-Friendliness: Good Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 284-286
49 SoftwareReviews : SL-MICRO, Version 2.16 Reviewed by David E. Anderson, Allegheny College Publisher: Questionnaire Service Co., Box 778, East Lansing, MI 48826 (telephone: 517-641-4428) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: One diskette, 195-page manual in two volumes Price: Single copy, $250; two to five copies, $200 each; five or more copies, $150 each; site license for machines in same room, $500 Machine Specificity: IBM Pc and compatibles as well as computers using CP/M System Requirements: 128K, two disk drives; 48K for cP/M versions Effectiveness: Good User-Friendliness: Fair Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 300-302
50 SoftwareReviews : SL-MICRO, Version 2.16 Reviewed by David E. Anderson, Allegheny College Publisher: Questionnaire Service Co., Box 778, East Lansing, MI 48826 (telephone: 517-641-4428) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: One diskette, 195-page manual in two volumes Price: Single copy, $250; two to five copies, $200 each; five or more copies, $150 each; site license for machines in same room, $500 Machine Specificity: IBM Pc and compatibles as well as computers using CP/M System Requirements: 128K, two disk drives; 48K for cP/M versions Effectiveness: Good User-Friendliness: Fair Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 300-302
51 SoftwareReviews : SOCIOLOGY LABORATORY: COMPUTER SIMULA TIONS FOR LEARNING SOCIOLOGY Reviewed by William F. Bengston, St. Joseph's College Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA 94002 (telephone: 415-595-2350) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: One diskette, 106-page manual, data forms Price: $16.75 Machine Specificity: IBM and compatibles System Requirements: 128K memory, one disk drive Effectiveness: Fair to good User-Friendliness: Excellent Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 288-290
52 SoftwareReviews : SOCIOLOGY LABORATORY: COMPUTER SIMULA TIONS FOR LEARNING SOCIOLOGY Reviewed by William F. Bengston, St. Joseph's College Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA 94002 (telephone: 415-595-2350) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: One diskette, 106-page manual, data forms Price: $16.75 Machine Specificity: IBM and compatibles System Requirements: 128K memory, one disk drive Effectiveness: Fair to good User-Friendliness: Excellent Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 288-290
53 SoftwareReviews : STATLIB 1 & 2 Reviewed by Donald R. Ploch, University of Tennessee Publisher: PDS Inc., PO Box 3280, Wallingford, CT 06494 (telephone: 800-426-7279) Year of Publication: 1987 Price: $194.95 (includes the Personal Scientific Calculator Machine Specificity: IBM PC, XT, AT, or compatible ' System Requirements: CGA, math coprocessor, 192K RAM, one double- sided disk drive, IBM APL Interpreter ($110.88, including tax, postage, and handling); two drives or hard drive system recommended Effectiveness: Very good to excellent User-Friendliness: Excellent if APL user; poor otherwise Documentation: Good, though demands considerable statistical knowledge 1988
6 2 p. 303-305
54 SoftwareReviews : STATLIB 1 & 2 Reviewed by Donald R. Ploch, University of Tennessee Publisher: PDS Inc., PO Box 3280, Wallingford, CT 06494 (telephone: 800-426-7279) Year of Publication: 1987 Price: $194.95 (includes the Personal Scientific Calculator Machine Specificity: IBM PC, XT, AT, or compatible ' System Requirements: CGA, math coprocessor, 192K RAM, one double- sided disk drive, IBM APL Interpreter ($110.88, including tax, postage, and handling); two drives or hard drive system recommended Effectiveness: Very good to excellent User-Friendliness: Excellent if APL user; poor otherwise Documentation: Good, though demands considerable statistical knowledge 1988
6 2 p. 303-305
55 SoftwareReviews : 1ST-CLASS FUSION, Release 1.0 Reviewed by Carl Grafton, Auburn University, Montgomery Publisher: Programs in Motion, 10 Sycamore Rd., Wayland, MA 01778 (telephone: 617-653-5093) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: Program disk, runtime disk, and utilities disk (none is copy-protected); 427-page manual in three-ring binder; slipcase Price: $1,295, including runtime program and distribution license allowing unlimited distribution of an expert system developed by the user (but not of 1ST-CLASS FUSION itself) if proper copyright information is included in the distributed expert system Machine Specificity: IBM PC and compatibles System Requirements: 512K memory (640K is desirable) Effectiveness: Excellent User-Friendliness: Excellent Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 310-312
56 SoftwareReviews : 1ST-CLASS FUSION, Release 1.0 Reviewed by Carl Grafton, Auburn University, Montgomery Publisher: Programs in Motion, 10 Sycamore Rd., Wayland, MA 01778 (telephone: 617-653-5093) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: Program disk, runtime disk, and utilities disk (none is copy-protected); 427-page manual in three-ring binder; slipcase Price: $1,295, including runtime program and distribution license allowing unlimited distribution of an expert system developed by the user (but not of 1ST-CLASS FUSION itself) if proper copyright information is included in the distributed expert system Machine Specificity: IBM PC and compatibles System Requirements: 512K memory (640K is desirable) Effectiveness: Excellent User-Friendliness: Excellent Documentation: Excellent 1988
6 2 p. 310-312
57 SoftwareReviews : THE POWER OF NATION STATES Reviewed by James C. Hughes, Slippery Rock University Publisher: Data Disc International, Inc., 1430 Willamette, Ste. 577, Eugene, OR 97401 (no telephone) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: Two 5.25-inch data disks using four sides or a single 3.5-inch disk, a 16-page teacher's guide, a 53-page text Price: $95, including on-site licensing; demonstration disk free on request Machine Specificity: Apple II series System Requirements: APPLE WORKS software, 128K RAM, and printer; two disk drives recommended Effectiveness: Good User-Friendliness: Good Documentation: Good 1988
6 2 p. 293-295
58 SoftwareReviews : THE POWER OF NATION STATES Reviewed by James C. Hughes, Slippery Rock University Publisher: Data Disc International, Inc., 1430 Willamette, Ste. 577, Eugene, OR 97401 (no telephone) Year of Publication: 1987 Materials: Two 5.25-inch data disks using four sides or a single 3.5-inch disk, a 16-page teacher's guide, a 53-page text Price: $95, including on-site licensing; demonstration disk free on request Machine Specificity: Apple II series System Requirements: APPLE WORKS software, 128K RAM, and printer; two disk drives recommended Effectiveness: Good User-Friendliness: Good Documentation: Good 1988
6 2 p. 293-295
59 Teaching Statistics by Spreadsheet: A Developmental Approach Ostrowski, John W.
6 2 p. 210-223
60 Teaching Statistics by Spreadsheet: A Developmental Approach Ostrowski, John W.
6 2 p. 210-223
61 Thematic Mapping With Microcomputers: Graphic Display of Social Scientific Data Kiel, L. Douglas
6 2 p. 197-209
62 Thematic Mapping With Microcomputers: Graphic Display of Social Scientific Data Kiel, L. Douglas
6 2 p. 197-209
                             62 gevonden resultaten
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