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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Data Performativity and Health: The Politics of Health Data Practices in Europe Cakici, Baki

45 2 p. 317-341
2 Europeanizing the Danish School through National Testing: Standardized Assessment Scales and the Anticipation of Risky Populations Cakici, Baki

45 2 p. 212-234
3 Peopling Europe through Data Practices: Introduction to the Special Issue Cakici, Baki

45 2 p. 199-211
4 Population Geometries of Europe: The Topologies of Data Cubes and Grids Cakici, Baki

45 2 p. 235-261
5 Processing Alterity, Enacting Europe: Migrant Registration and Identification as Co-construction of Individuals and Polities Cakici, Baki

45 2 p. 262-288
6 Statisticians as Back-office Policy-makers: Counting Asylum-Seekers and Refugees in Europe Cakici, Baki

45 2 p. 289-316
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland