nr |
titel |
auteur |
tijdschrift |
jaar |
jaarg. |
afl. |
pagina('s) |
type |
1 |
Black Markets and Future Superstars
Jordan, Larry E. |
1981 |
11 |
3 |
p. 289-306 |
artikel |
2 |
Book Review : Defender of the Race: James Theodore Holly, Black Nationalist Bishop, by David M. Dean. Boston, MA: Lambeth Press, 1979. 150 pp. $14.95.
Carson, Jack |
1981 |
11 |
3 |
p. 375-379 |
artikel |
3 |
BookReview : Katherine Dunham: A Biography, by Ruth Beckford. Marcell Dekker, 1979
Welsh, Kariamu |
1981 |
11 |
3 |
p. 381-383 |
artikel |
4 |
Granville T. Woods
Christopher, Michael C. |
1981 |
11 |
3 |
p. 269-276 |
artikel |
5 |
Modern Ga Family Life Patterns
Kalu, Wilhemina J. |
1981 |
11 |
3 |
p. 349-359 |
artikel |
6 |
Psychological Factors for the Black Defendant in a Jury Trial
Denno, Deborah |
1981 |
11 |
3 |
p. 313-326 |
artikel |
7 |
Race and Attitudes Toward Local Police
Peek, Charles W. |
1981 |
11 |
3 |
p. 361-374 |
artikel |
8 |
Semantic Development of the WordBlack
Joyce, Joyce A. |
1981 |
11 |
3 |
p. 307-312 |
artikel |
9 |
Supernatural Powers and Criminal Law
Ojo, J.D. |
1981 |
11 |
3 |
p. 327-348 |
artikel |
10 |
The "Illegitimacy Runs in Families" Hypothesis Reconsidered
Dixon, Richard D. |
1981 |
11 |
3 |
p. 277-287 |
artikel |