nr |
titel |
auteur |
tijdschrift |
jaar |
jaarg. |
afl. |
pagina('s) |
type |
1 |
A Latent Function of Examinations: FRGC
Albas, Daniel |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 246-250 |
artikel |
2 |
A Test of Durkheim's Theory of Suicide using Data from Modern Nations
Lester, David |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 235-238 |
artikel |
3 |
Attitudes Toward Childrearing Among Indian Women: A Structural Analysis
Singh, Satvir |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 231-234 |
artikel |
4 |
BookReviews : Abram de Swaan, In Care of the State: Health Care, Education and Welfare in Europe and the USA in the Modern Era. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988, pp. 339, $ 39.39 (cloth)
Fontana, Leonard |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 263-265 |
artikel |
5 |
BookReviews : Alain G. Gagnon (ed.), Intellectuals in Liberal Democracies: Political Influence and Social Involvement. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1987, pp. 250, $ 39.95 (cloth)
Vester, Heinz-Günter |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 268-270 |
artikel |
6 |
BookReviews : Alan Roland, In Search of Self in India and Japan: Toward a Cross Cultural Psychology. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1988, pp. xxxii, 386, $ 25.00 (cloth)
Cressler, David L. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 282-283 |
artikel |
7 |
BookReviews : Charles H. Reynolds and Ralph V. Norman (eds.), Community in America: The Challenge of Habits of the Heart. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988, pp. viii, 333, $ 45.00 (cloth), $ 12.95 (paper)
Stark, Jerry A. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 279-281 |
artikel |
8 |
BookReviews : David Bensman and Roberta Lynch, Rusted Dreams: Hard Times in a Steel Community. Berkeley: The University of California Press, 1988, 250 pp., $ 8.95 (paper)
Rozen, Frieda Shoenberg |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 256-257 |
artikel |
9 |
BookReviews : Derrick Bell, And We Are Not Saved: The Elusive Quest for Racial Justice. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1987, pp. xii, 288, $ 19.95 (cloth); $9.95 (paper). Reynolds Farley and Walter Allen, The Color Line and the Quality of Life in America. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1987, pp. xxiv, 493, $37.50 (cloth); $14.95 (paper, from Oxford University Press)
Hochschild, Jennifer L. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 252-254 |
artikel |
10 |
BookReviews : Douglas V. Porpora, The Concept of Structure. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press Inc., 1987, pp. ix, 159, $ 37.95 (cloth)
Barbalet, J.M. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 277-279 |
artikel |
11 |
BookReviews : Eugene Rochberg-Halton, Meaning and Modernity: Social Theory in the Pragmatic Attitude. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1987, pp. 320, $ 40.00 (cloth), $ 14.95 (paper)
Haste, Helen |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 281-282 |
artikel |
12 |
BookReviews : Hans Christian Buechler and Judith-Maria Buechler (eds.), Migrants in Europe: The Role of Family, Labor, and Politics. Westport, CT & London: Greenwood Press, 1987, pp. 319, $ 55.00 (cloth)
Vester, Heinz-Günter |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 257-258 |
artikel |
13 |
BookReviews : James B. Rule, Theories of Civil Violence. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1988, pp. 338, $ 37.50 (cloth)
Lehman, Edward W. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 284-285 |
artikel |
14 |
BookReviews : John E. Tropman, Public Policy Opinion and the Elderly, 1952-1978: A Kaleidoscope of Culture. New York: Greenwood Press, 1987, pp. 247. $ 35.00 (cloth)
Ward, Russell A. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 288-290 |
artikel |
15 |
BookReviews : Josef Gugler (ed.), The Urbanization of the Third World. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988, pp. xi, 421, $ 59.00 (cloth), $ 18.95 (paper)
Mellor, Rosemary |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 270-271 |
artikel |
16 |
BookReviews : Joy Hendry, Understanding Japanese Society. London: Croom/Helm, 1987, pp. 218, $ 62.50 (cloth), $ 12.95 (paper)
Leonard, Joseph W. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 273-274 |
artikel |
17 |
BookReviews : Marilyn Rueschemeyer and Christiane Lemke (eds.), The Quality of Life in the Ger man Democratic Republic: Changes and Developments in a State Socialist Society. Armonk, NY and London: M.E. Sharpe Inc., 1989, pp. 242, $ 40.00 (cloth)
Vester, Heinz-Günter |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 290-292 |
artikel |
18 |
BookReviews : Mark Selden, The Political Economy of Chinese Socialism. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe Inc, 1989, pp. xii, 241, $ 39.95 (cloth), $ 15.95 (paper)
Kristof, Nicholas D. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 287-288 |
artikel |
19 |
BookReviews : Michael Schwartz (ed.), The Structure of Power in America. New York and London: Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc., 1987, 217 pp., $ 39.50 (cloth), $ 22.50 (paper)
Wade, Larry L. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 285-287 |
artikel |
20 |
BookReviews : Mike Dennis, German Democratic Republic: Politics, Economics and Society. London & New York: Frances Pinter Publishers, 1988, pp. 223, $ 35.00 (cloth), $ 12.50 (paper)
Kristof, Ladis K.D. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 262-263 |
artikel |
21 |
BookReviews : Nancy Foner, New Immigrants in New York. New York: Columbia University Press, 1987, pp. ix, 318, $ 27.50 (cloth)
Nelson, William E. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 266-268 |
artikel |
22 |
BookReviews : Raymond B. Cattell, Beyondism: Religion from Science. New York: Praeger, 1987, pp. x, 325, $ 41.95 (cloth)
John A., Schumacher |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 260-262 |
artikel |
23 |
BookReviews : Richard Flacks, Making History: The Radical Tradition in American Life. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988, pp. 313, $ 35.00 (cloth)
Dover, E.D. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 265-266 |
artikel |
24 |
BookReviews : Robert Castel, The Regulation of Madness: The Origins of Incarceration in France. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1988, 297 pp. $ 29.95 (cloth)
Hauhart, Robert C. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 259-260 |
artikel |
25 |
BookReviews : Robert T. Hall, Emile Durkheim: Ethics and the sociology of morals. Westport, CT: Green wood Press, 1987, pp. 234, $ 37.95 (cloth)
Behar, Jospeh E. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 271-273 |
artikel |
26 |
BookReviews : Samuel P. Oliner and Pearl M. Oliner, The Altruistic Personality: Rescuers of Jews in Nazi Europe. New York: The Free Press, 1988, pp. xxi, 419, $ 24.95 (cloth)
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 274-277 |
artikel |
27 |
BookReviews : Sheila Allen and Carol Wolkowitz, Homeworking: Myths and Realities. New York: New York University Press (Dist. by Macmillan Press), 1988, pp. x, 225, $ 30.00 (cloth), $ 18.50 (paper)
Provinzano, James |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 251-252 |
artikel |
28 |
BookReviews : Stanley R. Barrett, Is God a Racist: The Right Wing in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987, pp. 377, $ 40.00 (cloth), $ 16.95 (paper)
Nelson, William E. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 255-256 |
artikel |
29 |
Central Life Interests and Job Involvement: An Exploratory Study in the Developing World
Baba, Vishwanath V. |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 181-194 |
artikel |
30 |
Citizenship and the Constitution of Structured Social Inequality1
Waters, Malcolm |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 159-180 |
artikel |
31 |
Cross-National Perspectives on Female Crime: An Empirical Investigation
Clark, Roger |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 195-215 |
artikel |
32 |
Democratic Transitions and Consolidation in Contemporary Southern Europe and Latin America
Roniger, Luis |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 216-230 |
artikel |
33 |
Intellectuals and Politics: From Marx to Berlinguer
Salamini, Leonardo |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 139-158 |
artikel |
34 |
The Effect of the Uprising on Readiness for Interethnic Contact Among Palestinians in Israel
Mi'Ari, Mahmoud |
1989 |
30 |
3-4 |
p. 238-246 |
artikel |