nr |
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1 |
BookReviews : Arnold Gehlen, Man: His Nature and Place in the World (Trans: C. McMillan and K. Pillemer), New York: Columbia University Press, 1987, pp. 000, $ 50.00 (cloth)
Steinberger, Peter J. |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 155-156 |
artikel |
2 |
BookReviews : David Heller, The Children's God. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1986, pp. 176, $ 15.95 (cloth)
Scobie, G.E.W. |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 156-158 |
artikel |
3 |
BookReviews : David Ignatius, Agents of Innocence. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1987. pp. 444, $ 17.95 (cloth)
Mouly, Ruth W. |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 158-159 |
artikel |
4 |
BookReviews : Faye J. Crosby, ed., Spouse, Parent, Worker: On Gender and Multiple Roles. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987 xiii, 202 pp. , £ 20.00, $ 31.00 (cloth)
Burt, Sandra |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 152-154 |
artikel |
5 |
BookReviews : Helena Znaniecka Lopata, ed., Widows: Volume I. The Midlle East, Asia, and the Pacific. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1987. 229 pp
Seyfrit, Carole L. |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 171-172 |
artikel |
6 |
BookReviews : Jeffrey C. Alexander, Twenty Lectures: Sociological Theory Since World War II. New York: Columbia University Press, 1987. 393 pp., $ 35.00 (cloth)
Sica, Alan |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 150-151 |
artikel |
7 |
BookReviews : Joan M. Boyle and James E. Morris, The Mirror of Time: Images of Aging and Dying. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Inc., 1987, pp. xii, 225, $ 35.00 (cloth)
Nossen, Robert J. |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 151-152 |
artikel |
8 |
BookReviews : John R. Nesselroade and Alexander von Eye (eds.), Individual Development and Social Change: Explanatory Analysis. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, 1985, pp. 380, $ 66.50 (cloth)
Stewart, Barbara J. |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 162-164 |
artikel |
9 |
BookReviews : Michael Weinstein, Culture Critique: Fernand Dumont and New Quebec Sociology. Montreal: New World Perspectives, 1985, pp. 123, $ 7.96 (paper)
Phillips, Dretha M. |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 171-171 |
artikel |
10 |
BookReviews : Moshe Lewin, The Gorbachev Phenomenon: A Historical Interpretation. Berkeley-Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988, pp. 176, $ 16.95 (cloth)
Kristof, Ladis K. D. |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 159-160 |
artikel |
11 |
BookReviews : S. C. Malik, ed., Determinants of Social Status in India, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, 1986, pp. 183
Kozlowski, Gregory C. |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 161-162 |
artikel |
12 |
BookReviews : Stow Persons, Ethnic Studies of Chicago, 1905-45. Urbana and Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987, pp. iv, 161, $ 19.95 (cloth)
Brazeau, Jacques |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 165-166 |
artikel |
13 |
BookReviews : Susan Olzak and Joane Nagel, eds., Competitive Ethnic Relations. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, 1986, pp. 252
Ashkenazi, Michael |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 164-165 |
artikel |
14 |
BookReviews : Willard Gaylin and Ethel Person, eds., Passionate Attachments: Thinking about Love. New York: The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan, Inc.; London: Collier Mac millan, 1988, pp. 128, $ 19.95 (cloth)
Kingsbury, Nancy |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 154-155 |
artikel |
15 |
BookReviews : William H. Swatos, Jr. Religious Sociology: Interfaces and Boundaries. Westport Ct.: Greenwood Press, 1978, pp. 194, $ 37.95. (cloth)
Ashkenazi, Michael |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 167-168 |
artikel |
16 |
BookReviews : William van Vliet, ed., Housing Markets and Policies under Fiscal Austerity. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Inc., 1987, pp. 263, $ 37.50 (cloth)
Sullivan, Oriel |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 170-171 |
artikel |
17 |
BookReviews : Wolfgang Teckenberg, ed., Comparative Studies of Social Structure: Recent Research on France, the United States, and the Federal Republic of Germany. M. E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, N.Y., 1987. pp. 194, $ 35.00 (cloth)
Covell, Maureen |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 168-169 |
artikel |
18 |
Can a Hindu Utopia be a Moslem Utopia? Examples from 12 th Century India and Beyond
Hartman, Harriet |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 111-125 |
artikel |
19 |
Christian Utopias and Christian Salvation: A General Introduction
Seligman, Adam |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 13-29 |
artikel |
20 |
De-Axialization/Re-Axialization The Case of Brazilian Millennialism
De leon, Bernardo Arévalo |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 44-61 |
artikel |
21 |
Hasidism: The Surprising Utopia
Fischer, Shlomo |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 76-92 |
artikel |
22 |
Jewish Salvational Visions, Utopias, and Attitudes Towards the Halacha
Fischer, Shlomo |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 62-75 |
artikel |
23 |
The Comparative Study of Utopias
Seligman, Adam |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 1-12 |
artikel |
24 |
The Eucharist Sacrifice and the Changing Utopian Moment in Post Reformation Christianity
Seligman, Adam |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 30-43 |
artikel |
25 |
The Javanese Conception of Order and its Relationship to Millenarian Motifs and Imagery
Helman, Sarit |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 126-138 |
artikel |
26 |
Turning Classic Models into Utopias: The Neo Confucianist Critique
Helman, Sarit |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 93-110 |
artikel |
27 |
Utopias and Dynamics of Civilizations: Some concluding Comparative Observations
Eisenstadt, S.N. |
1988 |
29 |
1-2 |
p. 139-149 |
artikel |