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1 |
Book Reviews : Alan Brier and Ian Robinson, Computers and the Social Sciences (New York : Columbia University Press, 1974) pp. 285, $ 12.50 or $ 6.50
Hughes, Barry B. |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 301-302 |
artikel |
2 |
Book Reviews : Andrew M. Greeley, Ecstasy : A Way of Knowing. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1974, pp. 150, $ 6.95
Dittes, James E. |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 303-304 |
artikel |
3 |
Book Reviews : Bernard S. Silberman and H. D. Harootunian, eds., Japan In Crisis: Essays On Taisho Democracy, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1974, pp. 469, $ 17.50
Bartholomew, James R. |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 317-318 |
artikel |
4 |
Book Reviews : Bryan S. Turner, Weber and Islam, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974, pp. i-ix, 212, Price: £ 4.50
Mol, Hans |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 307-308 |
artikel |
5 |
Book Reviews : Deena and Michael A. Weinstein, Living Sociology: A Critical Introduction, David McKay Company, Inc., New York, 1974. pp. xix + 488, $ 5.95 (paper)
Maghami, Farhat Ghaem |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 312-312 |
artikel |
6 |
Book Reviews : John Ellis, Armies In Revolution New York, Oxford University Press, 1974, pp 278, $ 10.95
Chang, Parris H. |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 302-303 |
artikel |
7 |
Book Reviews : John Rex, Sociology and the Demystification of the Modern World, London, Routledge : 1974, pp. xi + 271, £ 4.50
Donovan, Raymond |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 312-314 |
artikel |
8 |
Book Reviews : L. G. Churchward, The Soviet Intelligentsia, An essay on the social structure and roles of the Soviet intellectuals during the 1960s, London, Routledge & Kegal Paul, 1973, pp. xiv + 204, $ 9.85
Hruby, Peter |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 315-317 |
artikel |
9 |
Book Reviews : Okochi, Kazuo, Bernard Karsh, and Solomon B. Levine, eds., Workers and Employers in Japan: The Japanese Employment Relations System, Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1974, xii and pp. 538, $ 20
Azumi, Koya |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 304-305 |
artikel |
10 |
Book Reviews : Peter Munz, When the Golden Bough Breaks! Structuralism or Typology? London and Boston, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973, pp. xiii, 143, bibliography, index, $Aust. 6.80
Berndt, Catherine H. |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 311-312 |
artikel |
11 |
Book Reviews : Richard C. Dorf, Technology, Society and Man. San Francisco, Boyd and Frazer, 1974, pp. 428, $ 12.05
Anderson, Nels |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 314-315 |
artikel |
12 |
Book Reviews : Robert Brown, Rules and Laws in Sociology. London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973, pp. ix + 181, £ 3.00
Collette, John |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 307-307 |
artikel |
13 |
Book Reviews : Thomas H. Greene, Comparative Revolutionary Movements, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1974, pp. 172, $ 7.95 and $ 3.95
Grundy, Kenneth W. |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 305-306 |
artikel |
14 |
1. Comparative Study of Structure and Change of Selected Small Communities in India and the United States
Kaufman, Harold F. |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 260-268 |
artikel |
15 |
II. A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Church Attendance Patterns in the United States and France
Alston, Jon P. |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 268-280 |
artikel |
16 |
III. Exogamy rules and Sanctions: A Cross-Cultural Research Note on Deviance Rates and Severity of Punishment1
Donald, Leland |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 280-284 |
artikel |
17 |
Individual Modernizing Experiences and Psycho-Social Modernity : Validation of the OM Scales in six Developing Countries
Smith, David Horton |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 155-173 |
artikel |
18 |
IV. Parental Influence on Achievement Attitudes and Performance of Israeli Students
Shapira, R. |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 285-291 |
artikel |
19 |
Measuring Prejudicial Attitudes in a Situational Context
Hansen, Peter |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 207-227 |
artikel |
20 |
On the Relation between Family Policy and Population Policy
Petersen, William |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 246-259 |
artikel |
21 |
Social Mobility in Bogota, Colombia
Simmons, Alan B. |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 228-245 |
artikel |
22 |
Universalism versus Modernity: Parson's Societal Typology Reconsidered
Simpson, Miles |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 174-206 |
artikel |
23 |
V. Peasant Leadership: Comparisons of Peasant Leaders in two Colombian States
Switzer, Kenneth A. |
1975 |
16 |
3-4 |
p. 291-300 |
artikel |