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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An efficient system matrix factorization method for scanning diffraction based strain tensor tomography Henningsson, Axel

79 6 p. 542-549
2 A novel algorithm for calculation of Fourier and asymmetric units Pavelcik, Frantisek

79 6 p. 597-599
3 Chiral spiral cyclic twins. II. A two-parameter family of cyclic twins composed of discrete circle involute spirals Hornfeck, Wolfgang

79 6 p. 570-586
4 Colorings of patterns fixed by an arbitrary finite-index subgroup of the symmetry group Junio, Allan O.

79 6 p. 550-559
5 Ice structures assembled from cubic water clusters of D2d and S4 symmetry Gudkovskikh, Sergey V.

79 6 p. 527-535
6 Isogonal embeddings of interwoven and self-entangled honeycomb (hcb) nets and related interpenetrating primitive cubic (pcu) nets O'Keeffe, Michael

79 6 p. 560-569
7 Molecular replacement for small-molecule crystal structure determination from X-ray and electron diffraction data with reduced resolution Gorelik, Tatiana E.

79 6 p. 504-514
8 Prices of IUCr journals
79 6 p. 600-601
9 Site-occupancy factors in the Debye scattering equation. A theoretical discussion on significance and correctness Ferri, Fabio

79 6 p. 587-596
10 Small-angle scattering tensor tomography algorithm for robust reconstruction of complex textures Nielsen, Leonard C.

79 6 p. 515-526
11 TERSE/PROLIX (TRPX) – a new algorithm for fast and lossless compression and decompression of diffraction and cryo-EM data Matinyan, Senik

79 6 p. 536-541
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland