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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Algorithms for magnetic symmetry operation search and identification of magnetic space group from magnetic crystal structure Shinohara, Kohei

79 5 p. 390-398
2 Approximating lattice similarity Andrews, Lawrence C.

79 5 p. 480-484
3 Background optimization of powder electron diffraction for implementation of the e-PDF technique and study of the local structure of iron oxide nanocrystals Mogili, Naga Vishnu Vardhan

79 5 p. 412-426
4 Combinatorial aspects of the Löwenstein avoidance rule. Part III: the relational system of configurations Moreira de Oliveira Jr, Montauban

79 5 p. 463-479
5 Delone lattice studies in C3, the space of three complex variables Andrews, Lawrence C.

79 5 p. 499-503
6 Distances in the face-centered cubic crystalline structure applying operational research Stomfai, Gergely

79 5 p. 452-462
7 Measuring lattices Andrews, Lawrence C.

79 5 p. 485-498
8 Optimal estimated standard uncertainties of reflection intensities for kinematical refinement from 3D electron diffraction data Khouchen, Malak

79 5 p. 427-439
9 Patch frequencies in rhombic Penrose tilings Mazáč, Jan

79 5 p. 399-411
10 Perfect precise colorings of plane semiregular tilings Loquias, Manuel Joseph C.

79 5 p. 440-451
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland