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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A fast two-stage algorithm for non-negative matrix factorization in smoothly varying data Gu, Ran

79 2 p. 203-216
2 A general force field by machine learning on experimental crystal structures. Calculations of intermolecular Gibbs energy with FlexCryst Hofmann, Detlef Walter Maria

79 2 p. 132-144
3 Borromean rings redux. A missing link found – a Borromean triplet of Borromean triplets O'Keeffe, Michael

79 2 p. 217-219
4 Crystal diffraction prediction and partiality estimation using Gaussian basis functions Brehm, Wolfgang

79 2 p. 145-162
5 Dynamical diffraction of high-energy electrons by light-atom structures: a multiple forward scattering interpretation Drevon, Tarik R.

79 2 p. 180-191
6 Dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction by crystals with different surface relief profiles Karpov, Andrey V.

79 2 p. 171-179
7 Dynamic tilting in perovskites Handley, Christopher M.

79 2 p. 163-170
8 Three-periodic nets, tilings and surfaces. A short review and new results Delgado-Friedrichs, Olaf

79 2 p. 192-202
9 Twenty-Fifth General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallography, Prague, Czech Republic, 14–21 August 2021 Ashcroft, A. T.

79 2 p. 220-228
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland