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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A new density-modification procedure extending the application of the recent |ρ|-based phasing algorithm to larger crystal structures Rius, Jordi

77 4 p. 339-347
2 An Invitation to Applied Category Theory. Seven Sketches in Compositionality. By Brendan Fong and David I. Spivak. Cambridge University Press, 2019. Paperback, pp. 348. Price GBP 37.99. ISBN 9781108711821. Stöger, Berthold

77 4 p. 351-352
3 A reference-based multi-lattice indexing method integrating prior information correction and iterative refinement in protein crystallography Zhou, Qiang

77 4 p. 277-288
4 A topological proof of the modified Euler characteristic based on the orbifold concept Naskręcki, Bartosz

77 4 p. 317-326
5 From crystal color symmetry to quantum spacetime Bojowald, Martin

77 4 p. 239-241
6 Improvement of precision in refinements of structure factors using convergent-beam electron diffraction patterns taken at Bragg-excited conditions Aryal, B.

77 4 p. 289-295
7 Magnetic modes compatible with the symmetry of crystals Fabrykiewicz, Piotr

77 4 p. 327-338
8 Multiwavelength anomalous X-ray diffraction for combined imaging of atomic displacement and strain Shabalin, Anatoly G.

77 4 p. 257-261
9 On symmetry breaking of dual polyhedra of non-crystallographic group H3 Myronova, Mariia

77 4 p. 296-316
10 Polarization effects of X-ray monochromators modeled using dynamical scattering theory Mendenhall, Marcus H.

77 4 p. 262-267
11 Relativistic spacetime crystals Gopalan, Venkatraman

77 4 p. 242-256
12 Resolution of a bent-crystal spectrometer for X-ray free-electron laser pulses: diamond versus silicon Kaganer, Vladimir M.

77 4 p. 268-276
13 Sidney C. Abrahams (1924–2021) Brock, Carolyn P.

77 4 p. 348-350
14 Space Group Visualizer. By Eckhard Hitzer and Christian Perwass. Independently published, 2021. Paperback, pp. 162. Price EUR 22.25, USD 24.99. ISBN 979-8719838618. Müller, Ulrich

77 4 p. 353-354
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland