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                             29 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Application of laboratory micro X-ray fluorescence devices for X-ray topography Guguschev, Christo

57 3 p. 734-740
2 Applications of the Clifford torus to material textures De Graef, Marc

57 3 p. 638-648
3 A science-driven approach to optimize the design for a biological small-angle neutron scattering instrument Wildgruber, Christoph U.

57 3 p. 818-830
4 Bragg Spot Finder (BSF): a new machine-learning-aided approach to deal with spot finding for rapidly filtering diffraction pattern images Dong, Jianxiang

57 3 p. 670-680
5 Coupling between cation and anion disorder in β-K2Ca3(CO3)4 Rashchenko, Sergey V.

57 3 p. 665-669
6 Denoising an X-ray image by exploring the power of its physical symmetry Zhou, Zhongzheng

57 3 p. 741-754
7 Design and fabrication of 3D-printed in situ crystallization plates for probing microcrystals in an external electric field Khakurel, Krishna Prasad

57 3 p. 842-847
8 Effects of polyvinylpyrrolidone on the crystallization of amorphous griseofulvin: fracture and molecular mobility Wang, Yanan

57 3 p. 782-792
9 Energy storage properties influenced by relaxor ferroelectric properties dependent on the growth direction of epitaxial Bi2SiO5 thin films Lee, Eunmi

57 3 p. 659-664
10 High-pressure intrusion of double salt aqueous solution in pure silica chabazite: searching for cation selectivity Confalonieri, Giorgia

57 3 p. 681-689
11 iModel: an interactive 3D crystal structure visualization program Cao, Jian

57 3 p. 859-864
12 Implications of size dispersion on X-ray scattering of crystalline nanoparticles: CeO2 as a case study Valério, Adriana

57 3 p. 793-807
13 Low-background ultrahigh-purity aluminium window for small-angle neutron scattering using monochromatic cold neutrons Kumada, Takayuki

57 3 p. 728-733
14 MatchMaps: non-isomorphous difference maps for X-ray crystallography Brookner, Dennis E.

57 3 p. 885-895
15 Multifitting 2: software for reflectometric, off-specular and grazing-incidence small-angle scattering analysis of multilayer nanofilms Svechnikov, Mikhail

57 3 p. 848-858
16 Neural networks for rapid phase quantification of cultural heritage X-ray powder diffraction data Poline, Victor

57 3 p. 831-841
17 Novel high-efficiency 2D position-sensitive ZnS:Ag/6LiF scintillator detector for neutron diffraction Mauri, Giacomo

57 3 p. 690-699
18 Phase-contrast neutron imaging compared with wave propagation and McStas simulations Naver, Estrid Buhl

57 3 p. 707-713
19 Polar orientation and extension in a novel crystallographic model for PbTiO3-based perovskites explaining the experimental ferroelectric thermal anomalies Estrada, Flávia Regina

57 3 p. 808-817
20 Program VUE: analysing distributions of cryo-EM projections using uniform spherical grids Urzhumtseva, Ludmila

57 3 p. 865-876
21 Ray-tracing analytical absorption correction for X-ray crystallography based on tomographic reconstructions Lu, Yishun

57 3 p. 649-658
22 Reconstructing the reflectivity of liquid surfaces from grazing incidence X-ray off-specular scattering data Shen, Chen

57 3 p. 714-727
23 Structural and electronic properties of Mo-decorated graphene, reduced graphene and reduced graphene oxide: a DFT calculation Mohseninia, Nazanin

57 3 p. 770-781
24 Subperiodic groups, line groups and their applications de la Flor, Gemma

57 3 p. 623-629
25 Synthesis and in-depth structure determination of a novel metastable high-pressure CrTe3 phase Voss, Lennart

57 3 p. 755-769
26 The master key: structural science in unlocking functional materials advancements Suarez, Sebastian A.

57 3 p. 606-622
27 The pypadf package: computing the pair angle distribution function from fluctuation scattering data Martin, Andrew V.

57 3 p. 877-884
28 The tin content of lead inclusions in ancient tin-bronze artifacts: a time-dependent process? Artioli, Gilberto

57 3 p. 700-706
29 Upgrade of crystallography beamline BL19U1 at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility Xiao, Qingjie

57 3 p. 630-637
                             29 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland