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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Note on ‘Improvement’ and ‘Progress’ Harrison, Wilfrid
1 3 p. 258-259
2 Civil Servants in Washington Spann, R. N.
1 3 p. 228-246
3 Discipline and Loyalty in the French Parliament during the Pinay Government Campbell, Peter
1 3 p. 247-257
4 Mr. Brown's Note Annotated Krook, Dorothea
1 3 p. 216-227
5 Parliament and Foreign Policy in Sweden Elder, Neil
1 3 p. 193-206
6 Reviews: Parliament: A Survey, King George the Fifth: His Life and Reign, The Webbs in Perspective, The British General Election of 1951, The Control of Public Expenditure, Efficiency in the Nationalised Industries, Autonomy and Delegation in County Government, The National Health Service in Great Britain, The Government of British Trade Unions: A Study of Apathy and the Democratic Process in the Transport and General Workers' Union, The Party System in Great Britain, England and Scotland, 1560–1707, Constitutional Laws of the Commonwealth, The British Commonwealth, the Development of Its Laws and Constitutions, British Colonial Constitutions, 1947, Roosevelt and the New Deal, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy in the United States, the Life and Death of Stalin, Dante as a Political Thinker, the Making of the Middle Ages, Thomas Hobbes ET J. J. Rousseau (The Zaharoff Lecture for 1953), Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge, Population Changes in Europe since 1939, Stevenage: A Sociological Study of a New Town Mackenzie, W. J. M.
1 3 p. 261-288
7 The Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom: Notes and News 1953
1 3 p. 260
8 The Significance of the Campaign in General Elections Pollins, Harold
1 3 p. 207-215
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland