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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A systematic review of quality and consistency of clinical practice guidelines on the primary prevention of food allergy and atopic dermatitis Tham, Elizabeth Huiwen

16 4 p.
2 Clinical profiles of patients with wheat-induced anaphylaxis at various ages of onset Du, Zhirong

16 4 p.
3 Effectiveness and safety of dupilumab in adults with moderate and severe atopic dermatitis in Colombia: Real-life experience Londoño, Julián

16 4 p.
4 Epidemiology of patients with asthma in Korea: Analysis of the NHISS database 2006–2015 Kim, Jung-Hyun

16 4 p.
5 Impact of airborne pollen concentration and meteorological factors on the number of outpatients with allergic rhinitis An, Yusan

16 4 p.
6 Implication of allergy and atopy in IgG4-related disease D’Astous-Gauthier, Katherine

16 4 p.
7 Multimodal, open-source big data analysis in asthma: A novel approach to inform public health programming Gangemi, Sebastiano

16 4 p.
8 Patient-important outcomes in clinical trials of atopic diseases and asthma in the last decade: A systematic review González-Díaz, Sandra Nora

16 4 p.
9 The use of systemic corticosteroids in asthma management in Latin American countries Maspero, Jorge F.

16 4 p.
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland