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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Are interventions to reduce the impact of arsenic contamination of groundwater on human health in developing countries effective?: a systematic review protocol Pearson, M
1 1 artikel
2 Comparison of methods for measuring and assessing carbon stocks and carbon stock changes in terrestrial carbon pools. How do the accuracy and precision of current methods compare? A systematic review protocol Petrokofsky, Gillian
1 1 artikel
3 Does delaying the first mowing date benefit biodiversity in meadowland? Humbert, Jean-Yves
1 1 artikel
4 Does the amount of trees retained at clearfelling of temperate and boreal forests influence biodiversity response? Fedrowitz, Katja
1 1 artikel
5 Have wet meadow restoration projects in the Southwestern U.S. been effective in restoring geomorphology, hydrology, soils, and plant species composition? Ramstead, Karissa M
1 1 artikel
6 How effective are slurry storage, cover or catch crops, woodland creation, controlled trafficking or break-up of compacted layers, and buffer strips as on-farm mitigation measures for delivering an improved water environment? Randall, Nicola P
1 1 artikel
7 How strong is the effect of invasive ecosystem engineers on the distribution patterns of local species, the local and regional biodiversity and ecosystem functions? Rilov, Gil
1 1 artikel
8 Realising the potential of environmental data: a call for systematic review and evidence synthesis in environmental management Pullin, Andrew S
1 1 artikel
9 Review of the evidence base for ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation to climate change Munroe, Robert
1 1 artikel
10 Science informing Policy – a health warning for the environment Pullin, Andrew S
1 1 artikel
11 The effectiveness of integrated farm management, organic farming and agri-environment schemes for conserving biodiversity in temperate Europe - A systematic map Randall, Nicola P
1 1 artikel
12 The effects of exotic seaweeds on native benthic assemblages: variability between trophic levels and influence of background environmental and biological conditions Bulleri, Fabio
1 1 artikel
13 What are the effects of macroalgal blooms on the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems? A systematic review protocol Lyons, Devin A
1 1 artikel
14 What are the effects of wooded riparian zones on stream temperature? Bowler, Diana E
1 1 artikel
15 Will environmental flows increase the abundance of native riparian vegetation on lowland rivers? A systematic review protocol Miller, Kimberly A
1 1 artikel
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland