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                             38 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Absence of low back pain in patients followed weekly over one year with automated text messages Leboeuf-Yde, Charlotte
20 1 artikel
2 A descriptive study of chiropractors' opinions and practices regarding office-based health product sales Page, Stacey A
20 1 artikel
3 Adverse events from spinal manipulation in the pregnant and postpartum periods: a critical review of the literature Stuber, Kent Jason
20 1 artikel
4 A health care system in transformation: making the case for chiropractic Brown, Richard
20 1 artikel
5 Anatomically remote muscle contraction facilitates patellar tendon reflex reinforcement while mental activity does not: a within-participants experimental trial Passmore, Steven R
20 1 artikel
6 A pilot randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy of exercise, spinal manipulation, and neuro emotional technique for the treatment of pregnancy-related low back pain Peterson, Caroline D
20 1 artikel
7 A randomized, placebo-controlled double-blinded comparative clinical study of five over-the-counter non-pharmacological topical analgesics for myofascial pain: single session findings Avrahami, Daniel
20 1 artikel
8 A replication of the study ‘Adverse effects of spinal manipulation: a systematic review’ Tuchin, Peter
20 1 artikel
9 Burnout among chiropractic practitioners: real or imagined an exploratory study protocol Williams, Shawn
20 1 artikel
10 Clinical decision-making to facilitate appropriate patient management in chiropractic practice: 'the 3-questions model' Amorin-Woods, Lyndon G
20 1 artikel
11 Clinical decision rules, spinal pain classification and prediction of treatment outcome: A discussion of recent reports in the rehabilitation literature Hebert, Jeffrey J
20 1 artikel
12 Colorectal and uterine movement and tension of the inferior hypogastric plexus in cadavers Johnson, Ian P
20 1 artikel
13 Co-presentation of unilateral femoral and bilateral sciatic nerve variants in one cadaver: A case report with clinical implications Battaglia, Patrick J
20 1 artikel
14 Diagnostic challenges in the older patient Killinger, Lisa Zaynab
20 1 artikel
15 Diagnostic imaging for spinal disorders in the elderly: a narrative review Taylor, John AM
20 1 artikel
16 Does back and neck pain become more common as you get older? A systematic literature review Fejer, René
20 1 artikel
17 Identifying clinical course patterns in SMS data using cluster analysis Kent, Peter
20 1 artikel
18 Internal carotid artery dissection following chiropractic treatment in a pregnant woman with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Morton, Adam
20 1 artikel
19 Pain in the three spinal regions: the same disorder? Data from a population-based sample of 34,902 Danish adults Leboeuf-Yde, Charlotte
20 1 artikel
20 Pain originating from the sacroiliac joint is a common non-traumatic musculoskeletal complaint in elite inline-speedskaters - an observational study Ruhe, Alexander
20 1 artikel
21 Predictors of outcome in neck pain patients undergoing chiropractic care: comparison of acute and chronic patients Peterson, Cynthia
20 1 artikel
22 Relationship between STarT Back Screening Tool and prognosis for low back pain patients receiving spinal manipulative therapy Field, Jonathan
20 1 artikel
23 Self-reported recognition of undiagnosed life threatening conditions in chiropractic practice: a random survey Daniel, Dwain M
20 1 artikel
24 Skeletal muscle contractility, self-reported pain and tissue sensitivity in females with neck/shoulder pain and upper Trapezius myofascial trigger points– a randomized intervention study Myburgh, Corrie
20 1 artikel
25 The effect of spinal manipulative therapy on experimentally induced pain: a systematic literature review Millan, Mario
20 1 artikel
26 The effect of spinal manipulative therapy on spinal range of motion: a systematic literature review Millan, Mario
20 1 artikel
27 The Five Eras of Chiropractic & the future of chiropractic as seen through the eyes of a participant observer Simpson, J Keith
20 1 artikel
28 The natural course of low back pain: a systematic critical literature review Lemeunier, Nadège
20 1 artikel
29 The Nordic Maintenance Care Program: Maintenance care – what happens during the consultation? Observations and patient questionnaires Bringsli, Marita
20 1 artikel
30 The reliability of a portable clinical force plate used for the assessment of static postural control: repeated measures reliability study Golriz, Samira
20 1 artikel
31 The role of chiropractic care in older adults Dougherty, Paul E
20 1 artikel
32 The treatment experience of patients with low back pain during pregnancy and their chiropractors: a qualitative study Sadr, Shabnam
20 1 artikel
33 The United States Chiropractic Workforce: An alternative or complement to primary care? Davis, Matthew A
20 1 artikel
34 The validity of a portable clinical force plate in assessment of static postural control: concurrent validity study Golriz, Samira
20 1 artikel
35 Translation and validation of the German version of the Bournemouth Questionnaire for Neck Pain Soklic, Marina
20 1 artikel
36 Trunk muscle fatigue during a lateral isometric hold test: what are we evaluating? Pagé, Isabelle
20 1 artikel
37 What is different about spinal pain? Vernon, Howard
20 1 artikel
38 What is the prevalence of musculoskeletal problems in the elderly population in developed countries? A systematic critical literature review Fejer, René
20 1 artikel
                             38 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland