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                             27 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Angiogenesis in old-aged subjects after ischemic stroke: a cautionary note for investigators Petcu, Eugen B
2 1 artikel
2 A role for Egfl7 during endothelial organization in the embryoid body model system Durrans, Anna
2 1 artikel
3 Ascorbate inhibition of angiogenesis in aortic rings ex vivo and subcutaneous Matrigel plugs in vivo Mikirova, Nina A
2 1 artikel
4 Blood flow shapes intravascular pillar geometry in the chick chorioallantoic membrane Lee, Grace S
2 1 artikel
5 Chloride intracellular channel 1 functions in endothelial cell growth and migration Tung, Jennifer J
2 1 artikel
6 Clinical trials with anti-angiogenic agents in hematological malignancies Medinger, Michael
2 1 artikel
7 Contrast-enhanced sonography as a novel tool for assessment of vascular malformations Oe, Yukiko
2 1 artikel
8 Differentiation of the brain vasculature: the answer came blowing by the Wnt Liebner, Stefan
2 1 artikel
9 EGFL7 meets miRNA-126: an angiogenesis alliance Nikolic, Iva
2 1 artikel
10 Eicosapentaenoic acid inhibits endothelial cell migration in vitro Tonutti, Laura
2 1 artikel
11 Endothelial progenitor cells: what use for the cardiologist? Siddique, Aurangzeb
2 1 artikel
12 Fine mapping of the hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT)3 locus on chromosome 5 excludes VE-Cadherin-2, Sprouty4 and other interval genes Govani, Fatima S
2 1 artikel
13 25-Hydroxycholesterol exerts both a cox-2-dependent transient proliferative effect and cox-2-independent cytotoxic effect on bovine endothelial cells in a time- and cell-type-dependent manner Nguyen, Vicky PKH
2 1 artikel
14 Increased serum kallistatin levels in type 1 diabetes patients with vascular complications Jenkins, Alicia J
2 1 artikel
15 Intravital spectral imaging as a tool for accurate measurement of vascularization in mice Arranz, Alicia
2 1 artikel
16 Long-term progestin contraceptives (LTPOC) induce aberrant angiogenesis, oxidative stress and apoptosis in the guinea pig uterus: A model for abnormal uterine bleeding in humans Krikun, Graciela
2 1 artikel
17 Methylnaltrexone Potentiates the Anti-Angiogenic Effects of mTOR Inhibitors Singleton, Patrick A
2 1 artikel
18 Micro computed tomography for vascular exploration Zagorchev, Lyubomir
2 1 artikel
19 Nano to micro delivery systems: targeting angiogenesis in brain tumors Gilert, Ariel
2 1 artikel
20 Notch regulates the angiogenic response via induction of VEGFR-1 Funahashi, Yasuhiro
2 1 artikel
21 Physiologic upper limits of pore size of different blood capillary types and another perspective on the dual pore theory of microvascular permeability Sarin, Hemant
2 1 artikel
22 Targeting lymphatic vessel functions through tyrosine kinases Williams, Steven P
2 1 artikel
23 Temporal patterns of blood flow and nitric oxide synthase expression affect macrophage accumulation and proliferation during collateral growth Sager, Hendrik B
2 1 artikel
24 The inefficacy of antiangiogenic therapies Ribatti, Domenico
2 1 artikel
25 The potential of nanomedicine therapies to treat neovascular disease in the retina Farjo, Krysten M
2 1 artikel
26 The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor-2 is a major regulator of VEGF-mediated salvage effect in murine acute hepatic failure Namisaki, Tadashi
2 1 artikel
27 Tumor growth and angiogenesis is impaired in CIB1 knockout mice Zayed, Mohamed A
2 1 artikel
                             27 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland