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                             5 results found
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1 Dose mapping sensitivity to deformable registration uncertainties in fractionated radiotherapy – applied to prostate proton treatments Tilly, David
13 1 article
2 Predictions of CD4 lymphocytes’ count in HIV patients from complete blood count Rodríguez, Javier O
13 1 article
3 Real-time prostate motion assessment: image-guidance and the temporal dependence of intra-fraction motion Cramer, Avilash K
13 1 article
4 The 2D Hotelling filter - a quantitative noise-reducing principal-component filter for dynamic PET data, with applications in patient dose reduction Axelsson, Jan
13 1 article
5 Validity of actigraphs uniaxial and triaxial accelerometers for assessment of physical activity in adults in laboratory conditions Kelly, Louise A
13 1 article
                             5 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands