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                             40 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A census of the edition of 1555 of Andreas Vesalius' De Humani Corporis Fabrica Joffe, Stephen N
2 1 artikel
2 Acute perimyocarditis mimicking transmural myocardial infarction Omar, Hesham R
2 1 artikel
3 Addressing the primary care physician shortage in an evolving medical workforce Lakhan, Shaheen E
2 1 artikel
4 A 44 year-old lady with chronic renal disease and intractable ulcers: a case report Pujar, Thejeswi
2 1 artikel
5 Blood pressure lowering treatment for preventing stroke recurrence: a systematic review and meta-analysis Lakhan, Shaheen E
2 1 artikel
6 Characterization of lipid parameters in diabetes mellitus – a Nigerian report Ogbera, Anthonia O
2 1 artikel
7 Characterization of the epithelial sodium channel α subunit coding and non-coding transcripts and their corresponding mRNA expression levels in Dahl R versus S rat kidney cortex on normal and high salt diet Shehata, Marlene F
2 1 artikel
8 Common mitochondrial polymorphisms as risk factor for endometrial cancer Czarnecka, Anna M
2 1 artikel
9 Co-morbid disorders and sexual risk behavior in Nigerian adolescents with bipolar disorder Bakare, Muideen O
2 1 artikel
10 Comparison of reduction of edema after rest and after muscle exercises in treatment of chronic venous insufficiency Quilici, Belczak Cleusa Ema
2 1 artikel
11 Concurrent reactive arthritis and myelitis – a case report Agarwal, Mukul P
2 1 artikel
12 Congenital heart block associated with Sjögren syndrome: case report Moutasim, Karwan A
2 1 artikel
13 Diaphragmatic hernia with strangulated loop of bowel presenting after colonoscopy: case report Sodhi, Sandeep S
2 1 artikel
14 Ethical and technical considerations for the creation of cell lines in the head & neck and tissue harvesting for research and drug development (Part II): Ethical aspects of obtaining tissue specimens Upile, Tahwinder
2 1 artikel
15 Ethical and technical considerations for the creation of cell lines in the head & neck and tissue harvesting for research and drug development (Part I): Techniques of tissue harvesting and propagation Upile, Tahwinder
2 1 artikel
16 Experience with impacted upper ureteral Stones; should we abandon using semirigid ureteroscopes and pneumatic lithoclast? ElGanainy, Ehab
2 1 artikel
17 Family Medicine, the specialty of the future: the Portuguese situation within the European context Villanueva, Tiago
2 1 artikel
18 Fatal cardiac arrest in an adult patient with euthyroid anti-SSA/Ro-positive connective tissue disease: a case report Adami, Michele
2 1 artikel
19 Fertility patients and their prescriptions: a two-year audit of patient-pharmacist interactions in a reproductive endocrinology practice Sills, Eric Scott
2 1 artikel
20 Glycemic load is associated with HDL cholesterol but not with the other components and prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988–1994 Culberson, Amy
2 1 artikel
21 Health-care associated infections rates, length of stay, and bacterial resistance in an intensive care unit of Morocco: Findings of the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) Madani, Naoufel
2 1 artikel
22 Heartburn or angina? Differentiating gastrointestinal disease in primary care patients presenting with chest pain: a cross sectional diagnostic study Bösner, Stefan
2 1 artikel
23 Hypercalcemia in a patient with cholangiocarcinoma: a case report Xynos, Ioannis D
2 1 artikel
24 Internal dislocation of scapula following thoracotomy for lung transplantation – a case report Palissery, V
2 1 artikel
25 Myocardium tissue changes caused by electrical transthoracic discharges in rats Ferreira, Marcelo
2 1 artikel
26 Ophthalmic medicolegal cases in Upper Egypt Wasfy, Ismail A
2 1 artikel
27 Pain management among medical in-patients in Blantyre, Malawi Muula, Adamson S
2 1 artikel
28 Physical trauma experience among school children in periurban Blantyre, Malawi Muula, Adamson S
2 1 artikel
29 Preoperative gemcitabine based chemo-radiotherapy in locally advanced non metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma Maximous, Doaa W
2 1 artikel
30 Prolonged QT interval in a man with anorexia nervosa Macías-Robles, María Dolores
2 1 artikel
31 Regulation of the epithelial sodium channel [ENaC] in kidneys of salt-sensitive Dahl rats: Insights on alternative splicing Shehata, Marlene F
2 1 artikel
32 Safety and benefits of large-volume liposuction: a single center experience Saleh, Youssef
2 1 artikel
33 Salivary VEGF: a non-invasive angiogenic and lymphangiogenic proxy in head and neck cancer prognostication Upile, Tahwinder
2 1 artikel
34 Short-term and long-term success of electrical cardioversion in atrial fibrillation in managed care system Kuppahally, Suman S
2 1 artikel
35 Stillbirths and hospital early neonatal deaths at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre-Malawi Metaferia, Aklilu M
2 1 artikel
36 The impact of obstructive sleep apnea variability measured in-lab versus in-home on sample size calculations Levendowski, Daniel
2 1 artikel
37 The interventionalism of medicine: interventional radiology, cardiology, and neuroradiology Lakhan, Shaheen E
2 1 artikel
38 The value of minilaparotomy for total hysterectomy for benign uterine disease: A comparative study with conventional Pfannenstiel and laparoscopic approaches Royo, Pedro
2 1 artikel
39 Third molar surgery: the patient's and the clinician's perspective Jerjes, Waseem
2 1 artikel
40 Ultrasonographic screening of urinary schistosomiasis infected patients in Agulu community, Anambra state, southeast Nigeria Ekwunife, Chinyelu A
2 1 artikel
                             40 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland