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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adolescent chronic fatigue syndrome; a follow-up study displays concurrent improvement of circulatory abnormalities and clinical symptoms Sulheim, Dag
6 1 artikel
2 Alexithymia as a prognostic risk factor for health problems: a brief review of epidemiological studies Kojima, Masayo
6 1 artikel
3 Attachment style contributes to the outcome of a multimodal lifestyle intervention Kiesewetter, Sybille
6 1 artikel
4 Behavioral interventions for coronary heart disease patients Orth-Gomér, Kristina
6 1 artikel
5 Diurnal variation of tension-type headache intensity and exacerbation: An investigation using computerized ecological momentary assessment Kikuchi, Hiroe
6 1 artikel
6 Effects of personality traits on the manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome Tayama, Jun
6 1 artikel
7 Functional near-infrared spectroscopy studies in children Nagamitsu, Shinichiro
6 1 artikel
8 Illness perception among patients with chest pain and palpitations before and after negative cardiac evaluation Jonsbu, Egil
6 1 artikel
9 Importance and usefulness of evaluating self-esteem in children Hosogi, Mizuho
6 1 artikel
10 Psychosocial interventions for patients with chronic disease Deter, Hans-Christian
6 1 artikel
11 Psychosocial problems of Pakistani parents of Thalassemic children: a cross sectional study done in Bahawalpur, Pakistan Aziz, Kashif
6 1 artikel
12 Psychosomatic problems and countermeasures in Japanese children and adolescents Tanaka, Hidetaka
6 1 artikel
13 Respiratory function of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and caregiver distress level: a correlational study Pagnini, Francesco
6 1 artikel
14 Results of a psychosomatic training program in China, Vietnam and Laos: successful cross-cultural transfer of a postgraduate training program for medical doctors Fritzsche, Kurt
6 1 artikel
15 Role overload, pain and physical dysfunction in early rheumatoid or undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis in Canada Mustafa, Sally Sabry
6 1 artikel
16 Somatic comorbidity in anorexia nervosa: First results of a 21-year follow-up study on female inpatients Erdur, Laurence
6 1 artikel
17 The development of agoraphobia is associated with the symptoms and location of a patient's first panic attack Hara, Naomi
6 1 artikel
18 The effect of Lactobacillus brevis KB290 against irritable bowel syndrome: a placebo-controlled double-blind crossover trial Murakami, Katsumi
6 1 artikel
19 The History, present state, and future prospects of the Asian College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ACPM) Ishizu, Hiroshi
6 1 artikel
20 The transition of adult patients with childhood-onset chronic diseases from pediatric to adult healthcare systems: a survey of the perceptions of Japanese pediatricians and child health nurses Ishizaki, Yuko
6 1 artikel
21 Vis Medicatrix naturae: does nature "minister to the mind"? Logan, Alan C
6 1 artikel
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland