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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A before and after comparison of the effects of forest walking on the sleep of a community-based sample of people with sleep complaints Morita, Emi
5 1 artikel
2 A neurological approach to biopsychosocial medicine: Lessons from irritable bowel syndrome Fukudo, Shin
5 1 artikel
3 Clearance of fear memory from the hippocampus through neurogenesis by omega-3 fatty acids: a novel preventive strategy for posttraumatic stress disorder? Matsuoka, Yutaka
5 1 artikel
4 Does sleep aggravate tension-type headache?: An investigation using computerized ecological momentary assessment and actigraphy Kikuchi, Hiroe
5 1 artikel
5 Evaluation of factors associated with the anxiety and depression of female infertility patients Ogawa, Mariko
5 1 artikel
6 Fulfillment of the premenstrual dysphoric disorder criteria confirmed using a self-rating questionnaire among Japanese women with depressive disorders Miyaoka, Yoshiko
5 1 artikel
7 Heart rate variability changes during high frequency yoga breathingand breath awareness Telles, Shirley
5 1 artikel
8 Helplessness and perceived pain intensity: relations to cortisol concentrations after electrocutaneous stimulation in healthy young men Müller, Matthias J
5 1 artikel
9 Plasma intact fibroblast growth factor 23 levels in women with bulimia nervosa: A cross-sectional pilot study Otani, Makoto
5 1 artikel
10 Profile of mood states and stress-related biochemical indices in long-term yoga practitioners Yoshihara, Kazufumi
5 1 artikel
11 Psychosocial judgements and perceptions of adolescents with acne vulgaris: A blinded, controlled comparison of adult and peer evaluations Ritvo, Eva
5 1 artikel
12 The longitudinal BMI pattern and body composition of patients with anorexia nervosa who require urgent hospitalization: A case control study Kawai, Keisuke
5 1 artikel
13 The relationship between perceived sense of control and visceral adipose tissue - the North Texas Healthy Heart Study Cardarelli, Roberto
5 1 artikel
14 The reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS-J) Igarashi, Tetsuya
5 1 artikel
15 The thyroid function of Graves' disease patients is aggravated by depressive personality during antithyroid drug treatment Fukao, Atsushi
5 1 artikel
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland