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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Affect School for chronic benign pain patients showed improved alexithymia assessments with TAS-20 Melin, Eva O
4 1 artikel
2 Bio-psycho-social medicine is a comprehensive form of medicine bridging clinical medicine and public health Nakao, Mutsuhiro
4 1 artikel
3 Decreased response inhibition in middle-aged male patients with type 2 diabetes Ishizawa, Kaya T
4 1 artikel
4 Effect of day-to-day variations in adrenal cortex hormone levels on abdominal symptoms Sugaya, Nagisa
4 1 artikel
5 Effects of the α1-adrenoceptor agonist phenylephrine on SART stress-induced orthostatic hypotension in rats Funakami, Yoshinori
4 1 artikel
6 Effort-reward imbalance and its association with health among permanent and fixed-term workers Inoue, Mariko
4 1 artikel
7 Electroencephalogram abnormalities in panic disorder patients: a study of symptom characteristics and pathology Hayashi, Karin
4 1 artikel
8 Health literacy and health communication Ishikawa, Hirono
4 1 artikel
9 Immune function and health outcomes in women with depression Howk, Cherie
4 1 artikel
10 Is the association between optimistic cardiovascular risk perceptions and lower rates of cardiovascular disease mortality explained by biomarkers of systemic inflammation or endothelial function? A case-cohort study Gramling, Robert
4 1 artikel
11 Knowledge and Attitudes of GPs in Saxony-Anhalt concerning the Psychological Aspects of Bronchial Asthma: A Questionnaire Study Reed, Mark G
4 1 artikel
12 Lessons learned in the development of process quality indicators for cancer care in Japan Higashi, Takahiro
4 1 artikel
13 Matrix analysis and risk management to avert depression and suicide among workers Takeuchi, Takeaki
4 1 artikel
14 No differences in cardiovascular autonomic responses to mental stress in chronic fatigue syndrome adolescents as compared to healthy controls Egge, Caroline
4 1 artikel
15 Posttraumatic growth, posttraumatic stress disorder and resilience of motor vehicle accident survivors Nishi, Daisuke
4 1 artikel
16 Psychological characteristics of Japanese patients with chronic pain assessed by the Rorschach test Yamamoto, Kazumi
4 1 artikel
17 Relations of self-regulation and self-efficacy for exercise and eating and BMI change: A field investigation Annesi, James J
4 1 artikel
18 The costs of dominance: testosterone, cortisol and intestinal parasites in wild male chimpanzees Muehlenbein, Michael P
4 1 artikel
19 The parenting attitudes and the stress of mothers predict the asthmatic severity of their children: a prospective study Nagano, Jun
4 1 artikel
20 The Thai version of the PSS-10: An Investigation of its psychometric properties Wongpakaran, Nahathai
4 1 artikel
21 Validation of a French version of the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory - short version: relationships between mindfulness and stress in an adult population Trousselard, Marion
4 1 artikel
22 Why Japanese workers show low work engagement: An item response theory analysis of the Utrecht Work Engagement scale Shimazu, Akihito
4 1 artikel
23 Work-related stress and psychosomatic medicine Nakao, Mutsuhiro
4 1 artikel
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland