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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Advanced radiological work-up as an adjunct to decision in early reconstructive surgery in brachial plexus injuries Abul-Kasim, Kasim
5 1 artikel
2 Comparison between partial ulnar and intercostal nerve transfers for reconstructing elbow flexion in patients with upper brachial plexus injuries Kakinoki, Ryosuke
5 1 artikel
3 Differential cellular FGF-2 upregulation in the rat facial nucleus following axotomy, functional electrical stimulation and corticosterone: a possible therapeutic target to Bell's palsy Coracini, Karen F
5 1 artikel
4 EGb761 protects motoneurons against avulsion-induced oxidative stress in rats Cheng, Xiao
5 1 artikel
5 Excitability changes in the sciatic nerve and triceps surae muscle after spinal cord injury in mice Ahmed, Zaghloul
5 1 artikel
6 Exploring the potential effect of Ocimum sanctum in vincristine-induced neuropathic pain in rats Kaur, Gurpreet
5 1 artikel
7 Fibrolipomatous hamartoma in the median nerve in the arm - an unusual location but with MR imaging characteristics: a case report Nilsson, Jessica
5 1 artikel
8 Functional cooperation of of IL-1β and RGS4 in the brachial plexus avulsion mediated brain reorganization Li, Jifeng
5 1 artikel
9 International symposium on peripheral nerve repair and regeneration and 2nd club Brunelli meeting Turgut, Mehmet
5 1 artikel
10 Novel model for end-neuroma formation in the amputated rabbit forelimb Kim, Peter S
5 1 artikel
11 Pharmacological evaluation of tacrolimus (FK-506) on ischemia reperfusion induced vasculatic neuropathic pain in rats Muthuraman, Arunachalam
5 1 artikel
12 Possible role of alpha-lipoic acid in the treatment of peripheral nerve injuries Ranieri, Maurizio
5 1 artikel
13 Progesterone - new therapy in mild carpal tunnel syndrome? Study design of a randomized clinical trial for local therapy Milani, Paolo
5 1 artikel
14 Saphenous neuropathy in a patient with low back pain Ahadi, Tannaz
5 1 artikel
15 Spectrum of peripheral neuropathies associated with surgical interventions; A neurophysiological assessment Saidha, Shiv
5 1 artikel
16 Stereological analysis of sciatic nerve in chickens following neonatal pinealectomy: an experimental study Turgut, Mehmet
5 1 artikel
17 Storage and allogeneic transplantation of peripheral nerve using a green tea polyphenol solution in a canine model Nakayama, Ken
5 1 artikel
18 Surgical fasciectomy of the trapezius muscle combined with neurolysis of the Spinal accessory nerve; results and long-term follow-up in 30 consecutive cases of refractory chronic whiplash syndrome Nystrom, N Ake
5 1 artikel
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland