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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptation costs for climate change-related cases of diarrhoeal disease, malnutrition, and malaria in 2030 Ebi, Kristie L
4 1 artikel
2 Can a bank crisis break your heart? Stuckler, David
4 1 artikel
3 Convergence of obesity and high glycemic diet on compounding diabetes and cardiovascular risks in modernizing China: An emerging public health dilemma Ding, Eric L
4 1 artikel
4 Dangerous medicines: Unproven AIDS cures and counterfeit antiretroviral drugs Amon, Joseph J
4 1 artikel
5 Global affordability of fluoride toothpaste Goldman, Ann S
4 1 artikel
6 Investment in HIV/AIDS programs: Does it help strengthen health systems in developing countries? Yu, Dongbao
4 1 artikel
7 Oil for health in sub-Saharan Africa: health systems in a 'resource curse' environment Calain, Philippe
4 1 artikel
8 Shifting paradigms: how the fight for 'universal access to AIDS treatment and prevention' supports achieving 'comprehensive primary health care for all' Ooms, Gorik
4 1 artikel
9 The 'diagonal' approach to Global Fund financing: a cure for the broader malaise of health systems? Ooms, Gorik
4 1 artikel
10 The role of business in addressing the long-term implications of the current food crisis Yach, Derek
4 1 artikel
11 The Unite for Diabetes campaign: Overcoming constraints to find a global policy solution Siegel, Karen
4 1 artikel
12 Tobacco industry issues management organizations: Creating a global corporate network to undermine public health McDaniel, Patricia A
4 1 artikel
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland