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                             48 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A boy with homozygous microdeletion of NEUROG1 presents with a congenital cranial dysinnervation disorder [Moebius syndrome variant] Schröder, Julia C
9 1 artikel
2 Adolescent social defeat decreases spatial working memory performance in adulthood Novick, Andrew M
9 1 artikel
3 Alleviation of chronic neuropathic pain by environmental enrichment in mice well after the establishment of chronic pain Vachon, Pascal
9 1 artikel
4 A relationship between bruxism and orofacial-dystonia? A trigeminal electrophysiological approach in a case report of pineal cavernoma Frisardi, Gianni
9 1 artikel
5 Association between the GRM7 rs3792452 polymorphism and attention deficit hyperacitiveity disorder in a Korean sample Park, Subin
9 1 artikel
6 Association of estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphism with age at onset, general psychopathology symptoms, and therapeutic effect of schizophrenia Wang, Shuai
9 1 artikel
7 Astragalus injection protects cerebral ischemic injury by inhibiting neuronal apoptosis and the expression of JNK3 after cerebral ischemia reperfusion in rats Liu, Guangyi
9 1 artikel
8 Baclofen into the lateral parabrachial nucleus induces hypertonic sodium chloride intake during cell dehydration Kimura, Everton H
9 1 artikel
9 BAIAP2 exhibits association to childhood ADHD especially predominantly inattentive subtype in Chinese Han subjects Liu, Lu
9 1 artikel
10 Behavioral phenotype in five individuals with de novo mutations within the GRIN2B gene Freunscht, Inga
9 1 artikel
11 Coupling movement with imagery as a new perspective for motor imagery practice Guillot, Aymeric
9 1 artikel
12 Deficit of theory of mind after temporal lobe cerebral infarction Xi, Chunhua
9 1 artikel
13 Differences in learning rates for item and associative memories between amnestic mild cognitive impairment and healthy controls Wang, Pengyun
9 1 artikel
14 Differential effects of temporal regularity on auditory-evoked response amplitude: a decrease in silence and increase in noise Okamoto, Hidehiko
9 1 artikel
15 Differential sensitivity to the acute and sensitizing behavioral effects of methylphenidate as a function of strain in adolescent and young adult rats Yetnikoff, Leora
9 1 artikel
16 Effects of painful stimulation and acupuncture on attention networks in healthy subjects Liu, Gang
9 1 artikel
17 Effects of the mGluR5 antagonist MPEP on ethanol withdrawal induced anxiety-like syndrome in rats Kumar, Jaya
9 1 artikel
18 Effects of ziprasidone and olanzapine on body composition and metabolic parameters: an open-label comparative pilot study Park, Subin
9 1 artikel
19 Experimental gastritis leads to anxiety- and depression-like behaviors in female but not male rats Luo, Jia
9 1 artikel
20 Exposure to cues associated with palatable food reward results in a dopamine D2 receptor-dependent suppression of evoked synaptic responses in the entorhinal cortex Hutter, Juliana A
9 1 artikel
21 Fatigue sensation induced by the sounds associated with mental fatigue and its related neural activities: revealed by magnetoencephalography Ishii, Akira
9 1 artikel
22 Functional Val66Met polymorphism of Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in type 2 diabetes with depression in Han Chinese subjects Zhou, Jian-Xin
9 1 artikel
23 GPA-14, a Gαi subunit mediates dopaminergic behavioral plasticity in C. elegans Mersha, Mahlet
9 1 artikel
24 How does a surgeon’s brain buzz? An EEG coherence study on the interaction between humans and robot Bocci, Tommaso
9 1 artikel
25 Individual differences in behavioural inhibition explain free riding in public good games when punishment is expected but not implemented Skatova, Anya
9 1 artikel
26 Individual differences in non-symbolic numerical abilities predict mathematical achievements but contradict ATOM Agrillo, Christian
9 1 artikel
27 Individual differences in solving arithmetic word problems Zarnhofer, Sabrina
9 1 artikel
28 Investigation of rare variants in LRP1, KPNA1, ALS2CL and ZNF480 genes in schizophrenia patients reflects genetic heterogeneity of the disease Jouan, Loubna
9 1 artikel
29 Involvement of tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene polymorphisms in susceptibility to tic disorder in Chinese Han population Zheng, Ping
9 1 artikel
30 Long-term ω-3 fatty acid supplementation induces anti-stress effects and improves learning in rats Pérez, Miguel Á
9 1 artikel
31 Motor regulation problems and pain in adults diagnosed with ADHD Stray, Liv Larsen
9 1 artikel
32 No association between serum cholesterol and death by suicide in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, or major depressive disorder Park, Subin
9 1 artikel
33 Object-based neglect in number processing Klein, Elise
9 1 artikel
34 Objective assessment of drowsiness and reaction time during intermittent Ramadan fasting in young men: a case-crossover study BaHammam, Ahmed S
9 1 artikel
35 Performance of conventional pigs and Göttingen miniature pigs in a spatial holeboard task: effects of the putative muscarinic cognition impairer Biperiden Gieling, Elise
9 1 artikel
36 Pharmacotherapy response and regional cerebral blood flow characteristics in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder Wen, Sheng-lin
9 1 artikel
37 Possible association between common variants of the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene and memory performance in healthy adults Teraishi, Toshiya
9 1 artikel
38 Preliminary evidence about the effects of meditation on interoceptive sensitivity and social cognition Melloni, Margherita
9 1 artikel
39 P268S in NOD2 associates with susceptibility to Parkinson’s disease in Chinese population Ma, Qilin
9 1 artikel
40 Reduced brain activation during imitation and observation of others in children with pervasive developmental disorder: a pilot study Kajiume, Aiko
9 1 artikel
41 Reduced cerebral blood flow and white matter hyperintensities predict poor sleep in heart failure Alosco, Michael L
9 1 artikel
42 Reduced orbitofrontal cortical thickness in male adolescents with internet addiction Hong, Soon-Beom
9 1 artikel
43 Signatures of movement variability anticipate hand speed according to levels of intent Torres, Elizabeth B
9 1 artikel
44 Slow angled-descent forepaw grasping (SLAG): an innate behavioral task for identification of individual experimental mice possessing functional vision Gil-Pagés, Macarena
9 1 artikel
45 The impact of the genome-wide supported variant in the cyclin M2 gene on gray matter morphology in schizophrenia Ohi, Kazutaka
9 1 artikel
46 The role of autophagy in Parkinson's disease: rotenone-based modeling Xiong, Nian
9 1 artikel
47 Two types of mental fatigue affect spontaneous oscillatory brain activities in different ways Shigihara, Yoshihito
9 1 artikel
48 Voxel-level comparison of arterial spin-labeled perfusion magnetic resonance imaging in adolescents with internet gaming addiction Feng, Qi
9 1 artikel
                             48 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland