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                             51 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abnormal auditory ERP N100 in children with dyslexia: comparison with their control siblings Papageorgiou, Charalabos
5 1 artikel
2 Adolescent ethanol experience alters immediate and long-term behavioral responses to ethanol odor in observer and demonstrator rats Eade, Amber M
5 1 artikel
3 Agreement between clinicians' and care givers' assessment of intelligence in Nigerian children with intellectual disability: 'ratio IQ' as a viable option in the absence of standardized 'deviance IQ' tests in sub-Saharan Africa Bakare, Muideen O
5 1 artikel
4 Alzheimer's disease and natural cognitive aging may represent adaptive metabolism reduction programs Reser, Jared Edward
5 1 artikel
5 A no-go related prefrontal negativity larger to irrelevant stimuli that are difficult to suppress Proverbio, Alice M
5 1 artikel
6 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder comorbid oppositional defiant disorder and its predominately inattentive type: evidence for an association with COMT but not MAOA in a Chinese sample Qian, Qiu-Jin
5 1 artikel
7 Behavioral and brain pattern differences between acting and observing in an auditory task Karanasiou, Irene S
5 1 artikel
8 Can sustained arousal explain the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Wyller, Vegard B
5 1 artikel
9 Coincident frequencies and relative phases among brain activity and hormonal signals Solís-Ortíz, Silvia
5 1 artikel
10 Consequences of emotional stimuli: age differences on pure and mixed blocks of the emotional Stroop Ashley, Victoria
5 1 artikel
11 Correlations between measures of executive attention and cortical thickness of left posterior middle frontal gyrus - a dichotic listening study Andersson, Martin
5 1 artikel
12 Cross-fostering does not alter the neurochemistry or behavior of spontaneously hypertensive rats Howells, Fleur M
5 1 artikel
13 Developmental dyscalculia: compensatory mechanisms in left intraparietal regions in response to nonsymbolic magnitudes Kaufmann, Liane
5 1 artikel
14 Development of task switching and post-error-slowing in children Gupta, Rashmi
5 1 artikel
15 Differences at brain SPECT between depressed females with and without adult ADHD and healthy controls: etiological considerations Gardner, Ann
5 1 artikel
16 Direct current induced short-term modulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex while learning auditory presented nouns Elmer, Stefan
5 1 artikel
17 Dissociable processes underlying decisions in the Iowa Gambling Task: a new integrative framework Stocco, Andrea
5 1 artikel
18 Effect of initiation-inhibition and handedness on the patterns of the P50 event-related potential component: a low resolution electromagnetic tomography study Beratis, Ion N
5 1 artikel
19 Effect of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate on sleep in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Adler, Lenard A
5 1 artikel
20 Effects of methylphenidate on motor system excitability in a response inhibition task Kratz, Oliver
5 1 artikel
21 Effects of selection for cooperation and attention in dogs Gácsi, Márta
5 1 artikel
22 Electroencephalographic correlates of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Decker, Michael J
5 1 artikel
23 Emotional reactivity and cognitive performance in aversively motivated tasks: a comparison between four rat strains van der Staay, F Josef
5 1 artikel
24 Evaluation of animal models of neurobehavioral disorders van der Staay, F Josef
5 1 artikel
25 Event-related potentials to task-irrelevant changes in facial expressions Astikainen, Piia
5 1 artikel
26 Evidence for the association of the DAOA (G72) gene with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder but not for the association of the DAO gene with schizophrenia Bass, Nicholas J
5 1 artikel
27 Gain-loss frequency and final outcome in the Soochow Gambling Task: A Reassessment Lin, Ching-Hung
5 1 artikel
28 Hyperresponsiveness to social rewards in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Kohls, Gregor
5 1 artikel
29 I know where you'll look: an fMRI study of oculomotor intention and a change of motor plan Kleiser, Raimund
5 1 artikel
30 Impaired verbal memory in Parkinson disease: relationship to prefrontal dysfunction and somatosensory discrimination Bohlhalter, Stephan
5 1 artikel
31 Inhibition of the NMDA receptor/Nitric Oxide pathway in the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray causes anxiolytic-like effects in rats submitted to the Vogel conflict test Tonetto, Lucas LM
5 1 artikel
32 Linking social cognition with social interaction: Non-verbal expressivity, social competence and "mentalising" in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders Brüne, Martin
5 1 artikel
33 Mercury exposure, nutritional deficiencies and metabolic disruptions may affect learning in children Dufault, Renee
5 1 artikel
34 Methylphenidate improves motor functions in children diagnosed with Hyperkinetic Disorder Stray, Liv Larsen
5 1 artikel
35 Motor function may differentiate attention deficit hyperactivity disorder from early onset bipolar disorder Udal, Anne H
5 1 artikel
36 New insights into name category-related effects: is the Age of Acquisition a possible factor? Adorni, Roberta
5 1 artikel
37 Nicotine-induced brain metabolism associated with anger provocation Gehricke, Jean-G
5 1 artikel
38 Origins of altered reinforcement effects in ADHD Johansen, Espen Borgå
5 1 artikel
39 Patterns of postural sway in high anxious children Stins, John F
5 1 artikel
40 Preliminary fMRI findings in experimentally sleep-restricted adolescents engaged in a working memory task Beebe, Dean W
5 1 artikel
41 Preserved motor learning after stroke is related to the degree of proprioceptive deficit Vidoni, Eric D
5 1 artikel
42 Psychological benefits 2 and 4 weeks after a single treatment with near infrared light to the forehead: a pilot study of 10 patients with major depression and anxiety Schiffer, Fredric
5 1 artikel
43 Schizophrenia genomics and proteomics: are we any closer to biomarker discovery? Lakhan, Shaheen E
5 1 artikel
44 Selective deficit of second language: a case study of a brain-damaged Arabic-Hebrew bilingual patient Ibrahim, Raphiq
5 1 artikel
45 Spatiotemporal dipole source localization of face processing ERPs in adolescents: a preliminary study Wong, Teresa Ka Wai
5 1 artikel
46 The consequence of fetal ethanol exposure and adolescent odor re-exposure on the response to ethanol odor in adolescent and adult rats Eade, Amber M
5 1 artikel
47 The impacts of substance abuse and dependence on neuropsychological functions in a sample of patients from Saudi Arabia Al-Zahrani, Mohamed A
5 1 artikel
48 The Motor Function Neurological Assessment (MFNU) as an indicator of motor function problems in boys with ADHD Stray, Liv Larsen
5 1 artikel
49 The Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium Saper, Clifford B
5 1 artikel
50 Time estimation in mild Alzheimer's disease patients Caselli, Luana
5 1 artikel
51 What would Karl Popper say? Are current psychological theories of ADHD falsifiable? Johnson, Katherine A
5 1 artikel
                             51 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland