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                             42 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Altered pattern of brain dopamine synthesis in male adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Forssberg, Hans
2 1 artikel
2 An open trial assessment of "The Number Race", an adaptive computer game for remediation of dyscalculia Wilson, Anna J
2 1 artikel
3 A QTL on rat chromosome 7 modulates prepulse inhibition, a neuro-behavioral trait of ADHD, in a Lewis x SHR intercross Vendruscolo, Leandro Franco
2 1 artikel
4 Association of umbilical cord blood lead with neonatal behavior at varying levels of exposure Patel, Archana B
2 1 artikel
5 Association study of the vesicular monoamine transporter 1 (VMAT1) gene with schizophrenia in a Japanese population Richards, Misty
2 1 artikel
6 Atypically diffuse functional connectivity between caudate nuclei and cerebral cortex in autism Turner, Katherine C
2 1 artikel
7 Chronic exposure to MDMA (Ecstasy) elicits behavioral sensitization in rats but fails to induce cross-sensitization to other psychostimulants Modi, Gunjan M
2 1 artikel
8 Cognitive deficits and CTG repeat expansion size in classical myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) Winblad, Stefan
2 1 artikel
9 Color naming deficits and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A retinal dopaminergic hypothesis Tannock, Rosemary
2 1 artikel
10 Common variations in ALG9 are not associated with bipolar I disorder: a family-based study Baysal, Bora E
2 1 artikel
11 Correlation of symptom clusters of schizophrenia with absolute powers of main frequency bands in quantitative EEG Gross, Andres
2 1 artikel
12 Cortical activation elicited by unrecognized stimuli Badgaiyan, Rajendra D
2 1 artikel
13 Declarative and procedural learning in children and adolescents with posterior fossa tumours Quintero-Gallego, Eliana A
2 1 artikel
14 Differential effects of a selective dopamine D1-like receptor agonist on motor activity and c-fos expression in the frontal-striatal circuitry of SHR and Wistar-Kyoto rats Diaz Heijtz, Rochellys
2 1 artikel
15 Dose-response characteristics of methylphenidate on locomotor behavior and on sensory evoked potentials recorded from the VTA, NAc, and PFC in freely behaving rats Yang, Pamela B
2 1 artikel
16 Exploration of auditory P50 gating in schizophrenia by way of difference waves Arnfred, Sidse M
2 1 artikel
17 Fine motor skills in South African children with symptoms of ADHD: influence of subtype, gender, age, and hand dominance Meyer, Anneke
2 1 artikel
18 Haloperidol treatment induces tissue- and sex-specific changes in DNA methylation: a control study using rats Shimabukuro, Morihiro
2 1 artikel
19 Impaired neural networks for approximate calculation in dyscalculic children: a functional MRI study Kucian, Karin
2 1 artikel
20 Individual differences in decision making: Drive and reward responsiveness affect strategic bargaining in economic games Scheres, Anouk
2 1 artikel
21 Influence of methylphenidate on brain development – an update of recent animal experiments Grund, Thorsten
2 1 artikel
22 Lack of association between COMT gene and deficit/nondeficit schizophrenia Wonodi, Ikwunga
2 1 artikel
23 Long-term effects of a single adult methamphetamine challenge: Minor impact on dopamine fibre density in limbic brain areas of gerbils Brummelte, Susanne
2 1 artikel
24 Melatonin in Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders Srinivasan, V
2 1 artikel
25 Moment-to-moment dynamics of ADHD behaviour in South African children Aase, Heidi
2 1 artikel
26 No association of DRD2, DRD3, and tyrosine hydroxylase gene polymorphisms with personality traits in the Japanese population Hibino, Hiroyuki
2 1 artikel
27 Nonassociative learning as gated neural integrator and differentiator in stimulus-response pathways Poon, Chi-Sang
2 1 artikel
28 Not every pseudoword disrupts word recognition: an ERP study Friedrich, Claudia K
2 1 artikel
29 Number of risk genotypes is a risk factor for major depressive disorder: a case control study Garriock, Holly A
2 1 artikel
30 Parietal function in good and poor readers Laycock, Robin
2 1 artikel
31 Principles underlying the design of "The Number Race", an adaptive computer game for remediation of dyscalculia Wilson, Anna J
2 1 artikel
32 Relationship between impulsivity, hyperactivity and working memory: a differential analysis in the rat Dellu-Hagedorn, Françoise
2 1 artikel
33 Response variability in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: a neuronal and glial energetics hypothesis Russell, Vivienne A
2 1 artikel
34 Serum level of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase in children with ADHD Roessner, Veit
2 1 artikel
35 Simultaneity in the millisecond range as a requirement for effective shape recognition Greene, Ernest
2 1 artikel
36 The alpha-2A adrenoceptor agonist guanfacine improves sustained attention and reduces overactivity and impulsiveness in an animal model of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Sagvolden, Terje
2 1 artikel
37 The effects of sex and hormonal status on restraint-stress-induced working memory impairment Shansky, Rebecca M
2 1 artikel
38 The IMAGE project: methodological issues for the molecular genetic analysis of ADHD Kuntsi, Jonna
2 1 artikel
39 The μ-opioid receptor gene and smoking initiation and nicotine dependence Zhang, Lan
2 1 artikel
40 The serotonin 1A receptor C(-1019)G polymorphism in relation to suicide attempt Wasserman, Danuta
2 1 artikel
41 Variation at APOE and STH loci and Alzheimer's disease Zuo, Lingjun
2 1 artikel
42 Working memory deficits in adults with ADHD: is there evidence for subtype differences? Schweitzer, Julie B
2 1 artikel
                             42 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland