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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acute and long-term survival in chronically critically ill surgical patients: a retrospective observational study Hartl, Wolfgang H
11 3 artikel
2 A German national prevalence study on the cost of intensive care: an evaluation from 51 intensive care units Moerer, Onnen
11 3 artikel
3 Changes in the incidence and outcome for early acute kidney injury in a cohort of Australian intensive care units Bagshaw, Sean M
11 3 artikel
4 Cooling and hemodynamic management in heatstroke: practical recommendations Bouchama, Abderrezak
11 3 artikel
5 Cystatin C and beta2-microglobulin: markers of glomerular filtration in critically ill children Herrero-Morín, José David
11 3 artikel
6 Diagnostic yield of quantitative endotracheal aspirates in patients with severe nursing home-acquired pneumonia El Solh, Ali A
11 3 artikel
7 Effect of induction agent on vasopressor and steroid use, and outcome in patients with septic shock Ray, David Charles
11 3 artikel
8 Efficacy of and tolerance to mild induced hypothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using an endovascular cooling system Pichon, Nicolas
11 3 artikel
9 Erythropoietin improves skeletal muscle microcirculation and tissue bioenergetics in a mouse sepsis model Kao, Raymond
11 3 artikel
10 Hemodynamic goals in randomized clinical trials in patients with sepsis: a systematic review of the literature Sevransky, Jonathan E
11 3 artikel
11 Injurious mechanical ventilation in the normal lung causes a progressive pathologic change in dynamic alveolar mechanics Pavone, Lucio A
11 3 artikel
12 Liquid versus gel handrub formulation: a prospective intervention study Traore, Ousmane
11 3 artikel
13 Modeling effect of the septic condition and trauma on C-reactive protein levels in children with sepsis: a retrospective study Kyr, Michal
11 3 artikel
14 Nucleated red blood cells in the blood of medical intensive care patients indicate increased mortality risk: a prospective cohort study Stachon, Axel
11 3 artikel
15 Predicting a low cortisol response to adrenocorticotrophic hormone in the critically ill: a retrospective cohort study de Jong, Margriet FC
11 3 artikel
16 Prediction of death and prolonged mechanical ventilation in acute lung injury Gajic, Ognjen
11 3 artikel
17 Red blood cell transfusions and the risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome among the critically ill: a cohort study Zilberberg, Marya D
11 3 artikel
18 Serum procalcitonin measurement as diagnostic and prognostic marker in febrile adult patients presenting to the emergency department Hausfater, Pierre
11 3 artikel
19 Surfactant therapy for acute respiratory failure in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis Duffett, Mark
11 3 artikel
20 Use of dynamic microsimulation to predict disease progression in patients with pneumonia-related sepsis Saka, Görkem
11 3 artikel
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland