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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ageing and endurance training effects on quantity and quality of pulmonary vascular bed in healthy men Al Dandachi, Ghanima
15 1 artikel
2 Analysis of comorbid factors that increase the COPD assessment test scores Miyazaki, Masaki
15 1 artikel
3 Cardiac involvement in Caucasian patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis Darlington, Pernilla
15 1 artikel
4 dsRNA-induced changes in gene expression profiles of primary nasal and bronchial epithelial cells from patients with asthma, rhinitis and controls Wagener, Ariane H
15 1 artikel
5 Early versus later response to treatment in patients with community-acquired pneumonia: analysis of the REACH study Blasi, Francesco
15 1 artikel
6 Evaluation of coagulation activation after Rhinovirus infection in patients with asthma and healthy control subjects: an observational study Majoor, Christof J
15 1 artikel
7 Exhaled breath condensate in intubated neonates- a window into the lung’s glutathione status Rosso, Maria I
15 1 artikel
8 High-resolution CT scoring system-based grading scale predicts the clinical outcomes in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Oda, Keishi
15 1 artikel
9 Impact of heterozygote CFTR Mutations in COPD patients with Chronic Bronchitis Raju, S Vamsee
15 1 artikel
10 Increased methylation of lung cancer-associated genes in sputum DNA of former smokers with chronic mucous hypersecretion Bruse, Shannon
15 1 artikel
11 MMP-2 and TIMP-1 predict healing of WTC-lung injury in New York City firefighters Nolan, Anna
15 1 artikel
12 New GOLD classification: longitudinal data on group assignment Casanova, Ciro
15 1 artikel
13 Preserved function and reduced angiogenesis potential of the quadriceps in patients with mild COPD Gagnon, Philippe
15 1 artikel
14 Pulmonary vasoreactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats - Effects of endothelin-1 and leptin Gomart, Samantha
15 1 artikel
15 Reviewer acknowledgement 2013 Lötvall, Jan
15 1 artikel
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland