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                             19 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 Aging effects on DNA methylation modules in human brain and blood tissue Horvath, Steve
13 10 article
2 BatMeth: improved mapper for bisulfite sequencing reads on DNA methylation Lim, Jing-Quan
13 10 article
3 BSmooth: from whole genome bisulfite sequencing reads to differentially methylated regions Hansen, Kasper D
13 10 article
4 CHANCE: comprehensive software for quality control and validation of ChIP-seq data Diaz, Aaron
13 10 article
5 Chromatin accessibility reveals insights into androgen receptor activation and transcriptional specificity Tewari, Alok K
13 10 article
6 Contribution of the epigenetic mark H3K27me3 to functional divergence after whole genome duplication in Arabidopsis Berke, Lidija
13 10 article
7 Cytosine methylation and hydroxymethylation mark DNA for elimination in Oxytricha trifallax Bracht, John R
13 10 article
8 Differential DNA methylation in discrete developmental stages of the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis Gao, Fei
13 10 article
9 Enhanced top-down characterization of histone post-translational modifications Tian, Zhixin
13 10 article
10 EpiExplorer: live exploration and global analysis of large epigenomic datasets Halachev, Konstantin
13 10 article
11 Epigenetic interplay between mouse endogenous retroviruses and host genes Rebollo, Rita
13 10 article
12 Epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of somatic transcriptomes and epigenetic controlregions Skinner, Michael K
13 10 article
13 Gel-free multiplexed reduced representation bisulfite sequencing for large-scale DNA methylation profiling Boyle, Patrick
13 10 article
14 Genome-wide promoter methylation analysis in neuroblastoma identifies prognostic methylation biomarkers Decock, Anneleen
13 10 article
15 H2A.Z landscapes and dual modifications in pluripotent and multipotent stem cells underlie complex genome regulatory functions Ku, Manching
13 10 article
16 methylKit: a comprehensive R package for the analysis of genome-wide DNA methylation profiles Akalin, Altuna
13 10 article
17 Non-genotoxic carcinogen exposure induces defined changes in the 5-hydroxymethylome Thomson, John P
13 10 article
18 The landscape of DNA repeat elements in human heart failure Haider, Syed
13 10 article
19 Tissue of origin determines cancer-associated CpG island promoter hypermethylation patterns Sproul, Duncan
13 10 article
                             19 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands