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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comprehensive analysis of prognostic signatures reveals the high predictive capacity of the Proliferation, Immune response and RNA splicing modules in breast cancer Reyal, Fabien
10 6 artikel
2 A functional Notch–survivin gene signature in basal breast cancer Lee, Connie W
10 6 artikel
3 Anti-oestrogens but not oestrogen deprivation promote cellular invasion in intercellular adhesion-deficient breast cancer cells Borley, Annabel C
10 6 artikel
4 Buthionine sulfoximine sensitizes antihormone-resistant human breast cancer cells to estrogen-induced apoptosis Lewis-Wambi, Joan S
10 6 artikel
5 Deoxycholate promotes survival of breast cancer cells by reducing the level of pro-apoptotic ceramide Krishnamurthy, Kannan
10 6 artikel
6 Digoxin treatment is associated with an increased incidence of breast cancer: a population-based case-control study Ahern, Thomas P
10 6 artikel
7 ErbB3 is required for ductal morphogenesis in the mouse mammary gland Jackson-Fisher, Amy J
10 6 artikel
8 EZH2 and BMI1 inversely correlate with prognosis and TP53 mutation in breast cancer Pietersen, Alexandra M
10 6 artikel
9 Frequent PTEN genomic alterations and activated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway in basal-like breast cancer cells Marty, Bérengère
10 6 artikel
10 Genetic variation in stromal proteins decorin and lumican with breast cancer: investigations in two case-control studies Kelemen, Linda E
10 6 artikel
11 Heat shock protein-90-alpha, a prolactin-STAT5 target gene identified in breast cancer cells, is involved in apoptosis regulation Perotti, Christian
10 6 artikel
12 IL-17 expression by breast-cancer-associated macrophages: IL-17 promotes invasiveness of breast cancer cell lines Zhu, XingWu
10 6 artikel
13 PAI-1 and functional blockade of SNAI1 in breast cancer cell migration Fabre-Guillevin, Elizabeth
10 6 artikel
14 Proteomic analysis of tumor necrosis factor-α resistant human breast cancer cells reveals a MEK5/Erk5-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition phenotype Zhou, Changhua
10 6 artikel
15 The influence of genetic variation in 30 selected genes on the clinical characteristics of early onset breast cancer Tapper, William
10 6 artikel
16 The influence of menstrual risk factors on tumor characteristics and survival in postmenopausal breast cancer Orgéas, Chantal C
10 6 artikel
17 Y-box binding protein-1 serine 102 is a downstream target of p90 ribosomal S6 kinase in basal-like breast cancer cells Stratford, Anna L
10 6 artikel
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland